Category Archives: Israel

Israel, Jews & The Right

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Indeed, if Israel didn’t exist, Jews would be even more Liberal and anti-white. It is because of Israel that some Jews have formed a coalition with the American Right that has whored itself out to … Continue reading

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Who Loves Israel More?

From comments to Steve Sailer: * I have fond memories of my time in Israel and even fonder memories of the Sabras who kept me safe and kept me company. They make great allies when our interests coincide. But American … Continue reading

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UJA-President, Alisa Doctoroff, and Her Radical Support of Palestinian Non-Violent Activism

Jews are a serious people. They take their survival seriously. They don’t react well when their members offer aid and comfort to the enemy. Whites, on the other hand, are not a serious people. They don’t even conceive of themselves … Continue reading

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Would You Blame A Woman For Being Raped?

Yes, if she chose to walk alone through a bad part of town, if she chose to get drunk with strangers, if she met someone online and then invited him to come to her apartment and to get rough with … Continue reading

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Principles vs Interests

Many people could benefit from an approach that prioritizes their interests over loyalty to abstract principles. Should not loyalty to your group be a principle? Extending this type of thinking to the West might well lead to more rights for … Continue reading

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