Category Archives: Race

Diversity vs Group Continuity

In his third lecture on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles, Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn says: “I can’t tell you how important this [Talmud Torah school] was. You have to understand that Wabash Avenue was the center of the … Continue reading

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Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West

I’m loving Rabbi Einhorn’s 14-part lecture series on the history of Orthodox Jews in Los Angeles. What is his point of view? He says early on in lecture one: “In Los Angeles, it was a collaboration of multiple people, different … Continue reading

Posted in Agudath Israel, Blacks, Los Angeles, Orthodox Union, Orthodoxy, R. Shlomo Einhorn, Race | Comments Off on Oy Vey and Kaboom – The Wild West

My Two Minutes Before The John Birch Society

I heard Tomislav Sunic (a board member of the American Freedom Party) tonight address the John Birch Society at the Crescenta Valley Sheriff’s Station. There was an even mixture of pro-Jewish and anti-Jewish sentiments at the meeting but nobody said … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, John Birch Society, Race, Tom Sunic | Comments Off on My Two Minutes Before The John Birch Society

Is There A Superior Race?

Philosopher Michael Levin says in 1998 to the question of racial pathology, i.e. that black behavior in the ghetto is pathological: “Very often people will wish to make a negative value judgment about a certain behavior but they think it … Continue reading

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Why Whites Are Intimidated By Blacks?

Philosopher Michael Levin says in 1994: “Why are whites acting the way they are? Why have they handed over the world they created to a group whose only contribution to debate is anger and accusation? I believe the answers may … Continue reading

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