Category Archives: Race

The Planet’s Racial Breakdown In 2011

According to projections: 4.5B Asians 4-4.5B Blacks 1B Whites 1B Hispanics * Haiti has ten 10,000 foreign NGOs but hours of Internet searching found maybe one or two that were doing anything related to family planning.

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Esau’s Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews by Albert S. Lindemann III

Professor Lindemann writes: By the middle years of the nineteenth century, the term “race” came to be commonly and unapologetically used by nearly everyone… Most observers concluded that there was a link between body type and psyche; the common use, … Continue reading

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Rabbi Abraham Cooper: A snapshot of France and her Jews at the crossroads

Abraham Cooper, Marvin Hier and company remind me of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. They’re all a bunch of race hustlers. Whenever anything shocking happens to their group, they run to the scene and show the flag. The differences between … Continue reading

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WSJ: A Time For Fewer, Better Friends

WSJ: “Starting in 30s, People Deliberately Narrow Social Circles; For One Trio, Tighter Bonds” Chaim Amalek: “For me, the most disturbing thing about this photo is how racially exclusionary it is. Why can’t the three best friends be white, black, … Continue reading

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How Do You Raise Your National IQ?

Anatoly Karlin writes: There are several ways to influence national mean IQ levels. One is to improve nutrition and education, but vitally important though they are, they suffer from diminishing returns as populations bump up against their genetic ceilings. Another … Continue reading

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