Category Archives: Race

Results Correlate With Average Race IQ

Different groups have different gifts, including different cognitive abilities. The New York Times does not allow for comments on this article. They might upset the narrative. New York Times: On a common licensing exam called Praxis Core, a new test … Continue reading

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Conservatives & Perversity

Ron Guhname writes: The General Social Survey asks two questions (that I know of) about behavior that at least some people would call perverted–consumption of online pornography and homosexual sex. Percent using pornographic site in last month–males Extremely liberal 31.2 … Continue reading

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NBC: Google Preaches Diversity But Hiring Numbers Still Lag

Shocking! NBC reports: Google’s workforce is still dominated by white and Asian men even after the Internet company hired a woman to fill one out of every five of its openings for technology jobs last year. The ongoing lack of … Continue reading

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The Deep Secrets Of Racial Profiling

Interesting that a conventional Republican neo-conservative site like Powerline is running blog posts like this: (1) Statistical racial disparities permeate every stage of the criminal justice system, from arrest to conviction to incarceration and sentencing. (2) The racial disparities reflect … Continue reading

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Different Races React Differently To Alcohol

I thought there was no such thing as race? REPORT: Compared with no alcohol consumption, sensible levels of drinking have correlated with better heart health. However, a new analysis has revealed that a cardioprotective link from moderate drinking is not … Continue reading

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