Category Archives: Race

A night of violence that shattered a South African’s view of her white privilege

Pathological altruism. Sad. South African blacks have an average IQ of about 70 while South African whites have an average IQ of about 100. Descriptions of the I.Q. ranges Lower than 20 — Profound retardation Usually multi-handicapped with obvious physical … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, IQ, Race, South Africa, Whites | Comments Off on A night of violence that shattered a South African’s view of her white privilege

Portrait Of A Cuckservative

From Vox Popoli: It would be hard to get much more cucky than this. This is simply a straightforward and unabashed cuckservative surrender to left-liberal fantasy: Anti-Racism Is a Conservative Issue The Left is happy to go on endlessly promoting … Continue reading

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WP: Television is getting more diverse. Here’s why it’s good for the business.

Most people prefer to watch their own kind. Washington Post: By Lavanya Ramanathan November 29 This year, it became impossible to turn on your television without noticing a major sea change: People of color are the stars of shows on … Continue reading

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Who will you blame once Obama’s gone?

By John Blake, CNN Updated 9:33 AM ET, Fri November 27, 2015 … Consider the question of whether racial strife is now the norm. “I don’t see that stopping when Obama is no longer president,” says Steve Sailer, who writes … Continue reading

Posted in America, Barack Obama, Blacks, Politics, Race, Whites | Comments Off on Who will you blame once Obama’s gone?

Are Jews A Race?

Prior to the Holocaust, it was common for Jews to refer to themselves as a race. But with the Holocaust and the rise of Boasian anthropology, that has gone out of fashion, and educated Jews tend to take exception to … Continue reading

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