Category Archives: Christianity

JC’s Girls’ False Gospel of Pleasure?

I must admit that I am really enjoying watching these Christian evangelists to sex workers tear each other apart. Thank you Jesus. From MySpace, a profile calling itself the real JCs Girls publishes this David Stewart blog post: JC’s Girls’ … Continue reading

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The Error of Saving Sex City & other ministries who attempt to be culturally relevant

Ex-sex worker Dawn Reinas writes: Saving Sex City is a term used by Annie Lobert and Heather Veitch to describe their most recent endeavor of dressing into showgirl outfits and holding up signs about Jesus loving hookers, pimps, etc. While … Continue reading

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Christians Vs. The Porn Convention

Shelley Lubben blogs: The world’s largest gathering of porn stars is coming up in January, 2008 and I need your help! There will also be about 250,000 porn fans who will be attending as well. God has really opened a … Continue reading

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The Turning Of An Atheist

Mark Oppenheimer writes: Unless you are a professional philosopher or a committed atheist, you probably have not heard of Antony Flew. Eighty-four years old and long retired, Flew lives with his wife in Reading, a medium-size town on the Thames … Continue reading

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What To Do About The Doubting Christian?

Elliot Resnick writes for The Jewish Press: All Orthodox Jews believe that a Jew’s sole path to God is through Judaism. A Jew may not become a Christian or a Buddhist, even if his heart pines to do so. Suppose, … Continue reading

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