Category Archives: Christianity

Freedom In Christ!

My favorite goy, Greg Leake, emails: “I thank G-d that my mother was not Jewish, and also for Jesus bin Joseph. Otherwise I probably would have fallen heir to all of these obligations and responsibilities and would have been a … Continue reading

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Is G-d Satisfied With You?

Dennis Prager blows away his Christian friends when he tells them that he believes that all in all G-d is very satisfied with him. Many perhaps most of Prager’s Christian friends walk around with a deep sense of unworthiness. In … Continue reading

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All Those Great Muslim Hospitals

On his radio show yesterday, Dennis Prager says: Islam would like the world to be Muslim. Christianity would like the world to be Christian. (Judaism has no desire that the world become Jewish, just that the world come to G-d … Continue reading

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What Must A Goy Do To Be Saved?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, Another adventurous excursion into the Torah with the patrician Luke Ford and the pugnacious Rabbi Rabbs. I have a growing sense of appreciation of some elements of the Jewish faith. At the same time I … Continue reading

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Was Jesus The Messiah To The Goyim?

Evan posts to my FB: “Jesus sort of wrote his own commentary on the Torah. Do you agree?” Luke: “I don’t agree with anything Jesus said that was new. Anything he said that was true, was not new.” Evan: “That’s … Continue reading

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