Category Archives: Christianity

Where Is Death’s Sting?

I love the Christian hymn “Abide With Me.” Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide; When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me. Swift to its … Continue reading

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Do Christians Get This Philosophical?

At a shiur about the nature of God the other day, a Jewish friend asked me if Christians get this philosophical. “They’re far more philosophical than Jews,” I said. “Christianity is primarily about theology. Christianity is far more Hellenic than … Continue reading

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His Rabbi’s Face

There’s a midrash (ancient rabbinic story) that when Joseph was tempted by Potiphar’s wife, a vision of his father’s face came to his mind and that stopped him from sinning. There’s a strong tie many Jews feel with their rabbi … Continue reading

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The Road To Auschwitz

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist and many of the things I was taught from the pulpit lead directly to Auschwitz. Christians did not create Auschwitz (Nazism was profoundly anti-Christian) but without 1900 years of Christian hatred of Jews and … Continue reading

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Marc B. Shapiro: If Christianity Isn’t Idolatry, Then What Is?

According to the chief rabbinate of Israel, Hinduism is not idolatry. Hindus see themselves as monotheist. They’re not monotheists by our Jewish standard. Hinduism has no doctrine of incarnation, of God becoming man. That’s the essence of Christianity and that’s … Continue reading

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