Category Archives: Christianity

Horrors Of the Christian Adoption Scene

From Chateau Heartiste: “You know which religious group rarely bothers with all this outgroup, extrafamilial, pathological altruism toward their distant lessers?” “Psychologically normal people don’t like sacrificing their time, energy, and love for unrelated children who don’t look or act … Continue reading

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Praying For Abortionists

The Christian approach seems naive. Few Jews I know, or even know of, spend time praying for their enemies. Jews seem to have fewer scruples about hating their enemies while Christians seem to feel compelled to try to love their … Continue reading

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Homosexuals Throw Human Excrement At Christians, And Wipe Their Anuses With Pages Of The Bible

Blog: When up to a thousand conservative Christian parents in Germany were protesting against a new pro-homosexual “sexual diversity” curriculum in their schools, homosexuals charged at them and thew human excrement at the Christians. They also ripped pages of the … Continue reading

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Anti-Semitism Before the Holocaust

I confess that in my first 20 years as a Jew, I vastly preferred books that blamed anti-Semitism 100% on the goyim. As I have aged, however, I have come to see anti-Semitism as the natural result of conflicts of … Continue reading

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Why Do Christians Adopt African Babies?

* What prompts white clerical types – just about always Christian, not that there is anything wrong with being Christian – to travel to darkest Africa in search of very dark negro babies to adopt? The love of Christ? They … Continue reading

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