The Oregon Shooter Was A 26yo Mulatto Who Hated White Christians

BLOG: The immediate on-line web history of Chris Harper-Mercer showed him to be a mixed-race, angry young man in general alignment with various radical racially aligned groups such as Black Lives Matter, Fuck The Police and Fuck Yo Flag – all of which carry a sentiment of favorability and ideological alignment with Islam which was similarly evident in the Ferguson protest movement.

[ Against this backdrop shooting “White” “Christians” makes sense. ]

However, in the course of several hours (one media cycle) – the media narrative is selling a profile of a loner, mentally disturbed individual without any mention of his previous writings (deleted/changed), behaviors (hidden) and social tendencies (ignored).


Perhaps the answer lies within the response to the shooting from the White House where President Obama took quickly to the microphones to decry another school shooting without fully understanding the motive and intent.

Mercer’s possible motive and intent would now represent a political embarrassment against the backdrop of Obama’s speech if it aligns with something other than needed.


As usual dissident alt-right websites are the ones doing the job legacy journalists won’t do. Is there a HALF-WHITEWASHING campaign being conducted by Hivemind operatives to erase from the public sphere any evidence of Chris Harper-Mercer’s anti-cop, anti-White, pro-black radicalism ideology?

According to initial police reports, Mercer left a manifesto behind at the scene. Where is that manifesto? Was it burned by Narrative “cleaners”? The public deserves to know what motivated Mercer’s murderous rampage, so that there’s a chance to thwart potential future attackers before they snap.

2. Another heavenly trumpet blast heralds The Trumpening. Trump says Eisenhower’s 1950s illegal alien deportation plan dubbed “Operation Wetback” is a model for his own immigration plan.

It’s very effective of Trump to remind Americans that what’s he’s suggesting we do about illegal invaders isn’t (too) racist, beyond the pale or practically impossible, as so many shrieking shitlibs want you to believe. It was done before without the gates of hell opening, and that means it can be done again.

This is another good moment to remind the studio audience how much more COMPETENT 1950s America was compared to 2015 America.

3. Related: Trump is back up to 34% in the latest IPSOS poll. ¡Jabe! is down to 4% in the new Pew poll.

4. Here’s shocking news (not): South Africa’s murder rate is up in the past few years, reversing a slow decline in the murder rate over the previous years. Nearly 49 people are murdered every day in South Africa, and it’s safe to say White Afrikaaners are not the ones doing the murdering.

Someone else can check the numbers, but I believe lovely Honduras remains the number one murder nation of the world. Clearly the solution for these wretchedly homicidal countries is to circulate propaganda photos of a dead kid to ethnomasochistic shitlib SWPL Americans so that they will open the US border to millions of murderous Hondurans and Bantus. That’ll level the worldwide murder rate (lower the sending countries’ crime rate and raise the US’s crime rate) and make gated community bubble-headed status whoring spergitarians like Bryan Caplan and Alex Tabbarok happy.

I have a better solution: Separate countries.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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