Why do more U.S. women study abroad than men?

Washington Post:

Nearly 300,000 U.S. college students will study abroad this year…65 percent of students leaving the United States will be women…The St. Lawrence Kenya program is one of the oldest study abroad programs in Africa and more than 70 percent of the 2,000 plus alumni who participated have been women. In recent years the program has been nearly 80 percent women…78 percent of the participants on programs in at least 15 different African countries were women…with percentages reaching as high as 90 percent women.

How can one explain this disparity overall and for Africa in particular?…Are women inherently more adventurous?…

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* To have sex with foreigners. These thoughts might be conscious or subconscious. But being creatures of instinct, this is why they are going abroad.

* My niece took a semester abroad to study puppetry at the University of Cape Town. About halfway through, the professor told the students he had run out of things to teach them and the class fizzled out. She and her classmates spent their days on the beach till the time came to return home. She got full credit for the class and the African credential must look great on her resume for the SJW type jobs she pursues. BTW, she’s a lesbian.

* While Africa study abroad might be 80% female, I bet China, Korea and SE Asia are 80% male.

* My sister and an ex-girlfriend each did a semester in East Africa. Neither of them was taught anything, but it was useful networking for work in nonprofits for both of them. They also got to play the savior to poor African children and take lots of vanity pictures in exotic places. I think “useful” is the key word. My friends who studied in Germany were getting a semester in engineering, and my friends who studied in Russia were in a language immersion program. All of them were men.

* Adventurousness or adventuressness has little to do with it; it’s frivolity. Most study abroad is useless career-wise. You go to Dublin to study Irish poets, or some other liberal arts fluff.

How many Cal Tech or MIT students do study abroad?

* Women are more likely to study the sort of liberal arts subjects that better lend themselves to study abroad.

* Studying abroad is fun but, for the most part, frivolous. Males are more practical and career-minded than females, and the kinds of careers most of them pursue are less likely to give them points for glorified traveling.


* The hilarious part is many of these girls will experience real sexual assault in Africa—unsexy stalking, real rape, and real gang rape—and then, ironically, never report it, or if they do specifically blame colonialism, as that evil bi tch in Hati did.

Africa literal rape!

[CH: eatpraycuck by american white women is a combination of extreme naivete and slutty mudsharking adventurousness. which motivation dominates is up for debate.]

* This is part of my criteria now. If a gal’s studied abroad, no dice.

Then again, reminds me of my second college go-round. All the girls who had taken that semester in France. All their poetry was about older men fucking them.

* When I meet a new woman I ask if she traveled abroad, where and with whom,

if it was with the (ex) boyfriend, then ok…

if it was with her mother, then maybe she is not a slut…

if it was with another female friend; possible slut…

if it was alone, I lose interest completely.

* “They’re not there to fuck Africans.”

… Unless, of course, “it just happens.” Very few women go anywhere or do anything with the primary conscious intent of fucking anyone but as we all know, things inevitably “just happen.”

So I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t kid yourself.

* My new theory: The cock carousel causes Autism. Autistic kids inherit the 1000-cock stare. It’s very un-PC but until someone discovers what causes Autism, this is what I’m going with.
I got the idea after spending time with a *friend’s* Autistic kids and reading CH’s bit on the microjizzome. The mother is an anti-vaxxer and kept giving me the slut eye behind my friend’s back.

* I’ve said in other places that I believe that there is a correlation between highly inbred groups and sexual perversion/deviancy/outgoingness.

That is to say that the more inbred your ethnic group is versus another, the more likely you engage in sexual practices most people find disgusting.

Why? Simple: inbreeding is an unnatural act. Sexual attraction to siblings, parents, your own children, aunts, uncles is greatly inhibited by nature. CHildren who are raised together but are not blood related nonetheless feel little to no sexual attraction to their non-blood relate siblings.

So for a group to constantly inbreed, it needs a sexual perversion gene that allows them to over come the natural ickiness of inbreeding.

Now, it is a stone-cold fact that the two most inbred ethnic groups in America today are blacks and Eskimos. For Eskimos, the constant inbreeding of Ashkenazi has made the stereotype of “every ashkenazi being a 3rd cousin to every other” a joke amongst Jews. For blacks, their relative small numbers in the U.S. and the dislike of non-black gentiles of breeding with them and Jim Crow has compounded on the natural sexual overhorniness noted in blacks since the 1600s. (and let’s not get into the amount of rampant child sexual abuse and “down low” behavior amongst blacks today that is little reported).

So the idea that Eskimo and black perversion would be projected onto non-black gentiles is to be expected from leftist blacks and eskimos.

* Breaking down study abroad locales by major and GPA would probably be awfully clarifying. The chicks going to Africa are all social “science” majors aka daddy’s six figure debt whores, with a smidge of Anthropology students doing some semi-legit stuff.

* if you think women are easy on vacation…wow…they get easy as soon as the plane door closes.

Do not ever let your woman go on a flight alone…if she’s next to me, she will cheat. Nevermind a vacation; she’s gonna get fucked.

Muslim “insanity” is a lot less insane when you actually are on the doing end of what they’re trying to prevent. On consecutive flight legs I made out with women with boyfriends and even one with a husband. And by made out in some cases I got blown, for all I at least spent 400nm with my hand down their pants.

It didn’t matter what row we were in, or whether the plane was empty or relatively full. Nor what the destination was. GRU, PHL, GVA, IAD…no matter. The only one who mostly resisted my charms was nearly 60 and had been married for 40 years. Even she was abuzz with the attention. The rest ranged from 18-30.

Muslims appear to know how slutty unattended women are, which I will vouch for that they’re not as nuts about it as they seem.

Women greatly enjoy being seduced.

* I’ve come to regard female virtue as 90% consisting of effort to avoid temptation. Watch a married woman you consider less than morally stellar around any vaguely attractive man, and see her banter in response to his opener.

A good woman, on the other hand, will either instinctually or consciously understand that the player’s opener can lead to nothing good and she will leave the scene (and certainly not expose herself willingly to it in the first place by going to a bar with single girlfriends). If she’s captive audience, she will talk with dead-eyed monosyllabic replies.

* Dated a Churchian girl back in the early summer who had a “heart for Africa”. She’d take short term mission trips their to villages with some water project. Her Facebook was filled with pictures of her dancing with tribal people.

She stopped dating me because I didn’t have a “heart for Africa” and would rather focus my efforts in a place where people are productive and build a home for myself and a family.

Apparently, taking care of 80-IQ savages who can’t even water themselves is more important than taking care of your own kind and raising your own family. But that’s just Churchian logic.

* Women traveling to a new place and finding “romance” has long been a staple of fiction women enjoy. The “mysterious, never to be seen again lover” syndrome—emphasis: whom the women ever have to see again, or admit to sleeping with—was a popular trope. Even goody-two-shoes Betty Smith in A Tree Grows in Brooklyn has a chapter devoted to a young, mysterious, handsome WW1 draftee whom she sleeps with (losing her virginity) just before he is shipped off to Europe (and dies implicitly)—before she gets married.

It’s also why a woman “traveling alone” raised a ton of eyebrows during healthy times in society. It was assumed she was a slut. Or a prostitute (some prostitutes literally AND figuratively used to (and still do) “ride the circuit” as part of higher end call-girl chains—they would travel from town to town so that men wouldn’t grow tired of their wares). Those notions were right.

A long long time ago your loyal rapist whorefinder studied in a foreign land or two. The VAST majority of the women in his program(s) weren’t there for the history, the culture, the language, etc; they were there to find a foreign boyfriend and get banged. Only. First and foremost.

Keep in mind these were programs of higher education with women of middle and upper-class backgrounds. I, in my youthful naivete, at first thought everyone was there to absorb the local history and culture, and was shocked and disgusted at finding the cock carousel so blatantly to be their true reason. I ended up traveling the nations alone, for the most part, too disheartened and disappointed in these women to bother engaging them as travel companions, and too beta (then) to take advantage of their sluttiness.

Sad nostalgia rape!

P.S. I recently started banging a late-20s chick who “travels alone” every 2-3 years to a foreign land. And, of course, she’s now making noise about how she wants to “settle down” and “get serious” (while giving ol’ whorefinder her best puppy dog-innocent eyes). I just laugh.

* That’s the thing: it was/is our job as white men to protect our civilization from foreign invaders (and parasites within who have already infiltrated), and part of that is protecting women from the “freedom” to follow their own hypergamous worst instincts. Women and fat 350 pound negro women on welfare are biologically INCAPABABLE of avoiding solipsism; they literally cannot worry about anything other than their own perspective and their own personal welfare. They, therefore, should not be given a vote. Think about it. It is beyond obvious that it is unfair to you and I that the 350-pound Sheniqua, who resembles a gorilla very much, living here in our land that was civilized by white Christians, who has 8 kids and is on welfare, has the same one vote as you and I. It’s madness. She is able to “gimmedat” vote to steal the wealth of the productive members of society. This is why communism is the natural fate of governments over time.

Women are not “sick”, but they are what they are. Given the “freedom” they have been given since 1970, they will and have contributed to destroying civilization. And we get the new Miley Cyrus as a role model for our daughters. We get a lost generation (Gen X) of bitchy, unmarried, childless catwomen who will (wrongly) go to their graves thinking their men “were afraid of a strong woman” and all the other Jew lies that were part of an attack on our civilization, families, children, and women.

Women’s job is to provide love, support, and comfort for their men, who then go out and build things and guard the walls. Even the Jewish propaganda TV show The Walking Dead (even though it’s main purpose is to make white men look bad and do all the other Jewish propaganda — miscegenation promotion, gun control, etc), and even though a man should have no time to waste watching TV, that show is worth watching because perhaps 40% of it actually illustrates some things. Even though it shows feminist grumbling in the first few episodes, it shows the reality of civilization building. When shit hits the fan, women know that their job is to stay home and take care of the babies and laundry and that their strong men go out and do the dirty work of providing food and safety.

A democracy or “republic” that gives everyone over 18 a vote is obviously not fair, especially when everyone is given leftist brainwashing in school all day.

The Jews’ latest move, by the way (it’s all over the Disney channel) is to push to lower the voting age, so that they can have totally-controlled 16-year-olds or perhaps 14-year-olds voting leftist (of course).

Robin Hood system does not work. A generation of white men has been left fully unsupported by our women. Even if we have them in our lives, they battle us at every turn instead of being supportive. They are aggressive and hypercompetitive. I don’t blame the women. They were told to be this way by Jewish TV and Jewish education system, which was an intentional attack on Anglo civilization and families. All you have to do is look at the latest exponential increase in the speed from “gay marriage” to “tranny rights” to not only “leave them alone” but full on “trannies are heroes”. As usual, the good news is that the Jew has overplayed its hand, as always. They simply cannot stop themselves, apparently.

We born in the 1970s were given this world, and only now are we waking up to what was done to us.

* Seems like sluttery with random men is rite of passage nowadays. I had a gf back in the day who went to South Africa. Needless to say we broke up as a result of some of her adventures there.

* Young women have been convinced that they have to have that sexual adventure, that that is part of “being a (modern) woman.”

Women need to be convinced that their value is in their future families and children. In order to convince them of that, it has to be true!

* There could be a wide variety of reasons why more women than men study abroad. One possibility, and I think it plays a huge role, is that studying abroad has greater “meaning” and more importance for the women than it does for the men, because “traveling” is one of the many feminist merit badges she has to earn in order to “have it all” and become a truly strong, independent woman. Also, these “merit badges” must be earned prior to marriage, or else the woman must earn them later (maybe we now know why they’re really unhaaaaappppy) after they divorce via the Eat Pray Cuck ritualistic process.

Notice that women, never men, talk about “finding themselves,” particularly while traveling. Men may have just as much fun; they may learn new languages, see incredible architecture, discover new literature, make long-life friends, meet gorgeous women they never forget; but they don’t “find themselves,” and they’re not considered less of a man if they decide to pull a Good Will Hunting instead and learn all about the country at the cost of $1.50 in late charges at the local library.

This quote from the article seems to indicate this: “Others have suggested that men have less interest in leaving their peer groups on campus, they have lower GPAs than women, they avoid studying foreign languages, and simply view study abroad as something which is frivolous and will not benefit their long-term professional goals.”

As for the disparity with women in African study programs, I chalk it up to the messianic complex rather than hypergamy; the women want to “save the children” by helping out the poor or learning how they can help out or something like that. This streak is really strong in my specific soviet, the People’s Republic of Seattle.

I can see no reason why any man, especially one studying STEM or business, would want to “study” in Africa unless he wants to study first hand the causes for why the continent can’t apparently develop on its own without idealistic WASPs to show them every step of the way. And then he doesn’t need to travel there; he can just turn on the cable news and watch it unfold.

* In South Africa they (the whites) have a joke that the difference between a tourist and a racist is ten days.

* On the Christian side, the wrong kind of altruism, and status signaling… there are plenty of people in the USA that are broken and need help – but going to the rural South and trying to help people stay off meth, or fixing up the old widow’s house one town over, is not as “righteous” as flying 36 hours to some diseased tropical hellhole, and helping out people who haven’t figured out basic sanitation.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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