Category Archives: Christianity

Shutting Down Speech

A friend says: I think it is worth observing with all the goings on about trigger warnings, micro-agressions, hate speech and the like, that the first persons in the 20th Century to claim the right to shut down discussions they … Continue reading

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Rod Dreher: The Fragility of Historical Memory

Rod Dreher writes: A new Pew religious landscape survey is out today, and it shows that 1) overall, America is becoming a less religious country, and 2) the devout are in some ways becoming more devout, and the secularization is … Continue reading

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Ben Carson’s Church Believes the U.S. Government Will Team Up With the Antichrist

Jay Michaelson writes: Ben Carson’s church believes the United States government will bring about the End Times. According to mainstream Seventh-day Adventist doctrine, the Second Coming of Christ will occur after the U.S. government teams up with the Catholic Church—which … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Accuses George Soros of Stoking Camp of the Saints; Soros Confirms Orban

It’s nice to see Hungary standing up for itself against this horde of Muslim refugees. It seems like Eastern Europeans have a clearer sense of their national interests than does Germany. Steve Sailer writes: From Bloomberg Business: Orban Accuses Soros … Continue reading

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The Dhimmi Church of Sweden

From Gates of Vienna: As reported here last weekend, a controversy has arisen in Sweden over the inability of candidates for the office archbishop in the Swedish Church to affirm that Jesus Christ presented a truer picture of God than … Continue reading

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