Category Archives: Blacks

The War On Noticing

Comments to Steve Sailer: * That is so funny. The researchers didn’t think that what non-whites think would be of any importance and so didn’t even bother to interview them. They automatically bypassed them as though they were invisible. * … Continue reading

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Black Violence

We hear the media talking about police violence, but they rarely say the phrase “black violence.” A Google News search today found 81,500 results for “police violence” and just 8,390 results for “black violence” and yet blacks in America kill … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Oscar Whiteness Crisis: Charlotte Rampling Says Oscars ‘Boycott’ Is ‘Racist Against Whites’

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Americans have a glimpse of the non-White majority American future that the elites wished. Endless squabbles between races about fairness, representation etc. It is exhausting to keep up with the endless complaints and grievances of … Continue reading

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Hollywood Demographics

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Hollywood is a $36.5 billion worldwide box office business. While it only breaks down race for the US the MPAA (google: MPAA Theatrical Market statistics) does list countries and geographic regions. A crude approximation of … Continue reading

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Racial bean-counting is making schools unsafe

New York Post: Black students misbehave more often. Tragically, school administrators are so fearful of saying it that they’re being intimidated into ceding control of classrooms to violent, disruptive students. That’s the story in New York City, where serious crimes … Continue reading

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