Steve Sailer: Oscar Whiteness Crisis: Charlotte Rampling Says Oscars ‘Boycott’ Is ‘Racist Against Whites’

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Americans have a glimpse of the non-White majority American future that the elites wished. Endless squabbles between races about fairness, representation etc. It is exhausting to keep up with the endless complaints and grievances of black groups.

* Bernie Sanders vs the two loud black girls.

Hollywood vs Jada and Spike.

Jews vs blacks.

But let’s pretend it’s all about ‘whites’.

PS. Donald Sterling must be laughing.

* I understand Nigeria has a large movie industry; larger than Hollywood in some ways (number of movies). Maybe Spike can go over there and be a big hit and get all the glory he so richly deserves.

* For example, we could agree to have only black winners for some period of time. Hopefully, we could pay it off sooner that way, rather than by offering just a few winners per year or offering a larger pool of nominees.

* This is Ta-Nehisi Coates’ argument in a nutshell:

#1 – Blacks, as a group, do not perform as well as whites, as a group.
#2 – Since there is no intrinsic difference between whites and blacks by nature,
#3 – And since there is nothing wrong with black culture, which addresses nurture,
#4 – The disparity of outcomes is a moral wrong that can only be rectified by various forms of reparations (aka mandated privilege for blacks) until blacks, as a group, perform as well as whites, as a group.

It really is a rebound off feminism in the ’70′s, come to think of it.

* The average active movie career of actresses is shorter than the average movie career of actors, at least if they don’t have the bone structure of Charlotte Rampling.

* Exquisite high bone structure to be exact and with a cruel or intriguing mouth. Feminine but with an underlying yang streak. Guys must see photos of her when she was in her 20s and 30s (year old) movies like the Night Porter. I am not surprised she spoke out and God bless her for doing so while the white guys cringe and duck for cover.

* It is coming into being, the most admired people in this world will be those that speak the truth. There is something about the sound of truth that warms my heart and lifts my spirit when ever I hear it. It is like a breath of fresh air after many long years living in a cave.

* It’s so weird. I saw this story earlier today as one of Google’s featured headlines, and I had the same recurring thought that I’ve been having for the last few months: The world is becoming a lot more like Taki’s Magazine rather than the other way around. Wow. Just two or three years ago, I never would’ve thought that possible. Let’s hope it can continue.

* One problem with Reparations, or purposely diversifying the Oscars, is that it entails admitting guilt, and then the claims will never end. The plaintiffs here are a group that has no intention of letting any agreement end their complaining.

* Somehow I doubt the Nazi thing will stick to Trump. He must be counting his lucky stars he married his daughter off to that Orthodox guy, though I imagine it was a standard dynastic business marriage at the time.

It is, of course, possible to admire the Nazis without holding far-right racial opinions, albeit not exactly socially acceptable. Lots of guys want to be fascist leaders, strutting around in jackboots to adoring crowds and having thugs crush their opposition, without holding any particular racial views. Nobody wants to admit it, but due at least in part to their demonization by Hollywood, fascists are sexy. (I will say it wouldn’t bode well for his presidency).

It’s actually a fairly amusing experiment: if you say nasty things about every traditionally lefty group *except* Jews and gays, how far will you get?

Apparently, at least to Iowa in the presidential race.

* In other news, Trump says he likes oatmeal – just like Hitler.

* Next year the winner for best movie will be ‘Big Momma’s house 9′, with Queen Latifah winning best actress and Ludicrous (unironic) winning best actor.

* It is possible that after taking into consideration all the sacrifices whites have made to the betterment of African-Americans, blacks will end up owing whites reparations. That ought to go over real well with Will Smith.


* Are Spike Lee and Jada Smith trying to drive up Trump’s poll numbers?

I cannot think of a more potent recruitment tool for Trump than the #OscarSoWhite movement.

* Marion Cotillard, Julie Delpy, and Michael Caine are also catching flack for their un-PC views.

Could this be the beginning of the end for NATO?

* If blacks think they’re going to get anywhere by sobbing, crying, and complaining their way to Oscars, they’re naive. Even if they fill the Oscar panels with blacks who nominate nothing but black films, whites will simply migrate away to create another award that garners all the prestige, exactly the way white liberals pay lip service to blacks but physically segregate themselves in reality.

* This Black/White divergence at the Oscars is really just the tip of Tinseltown’s inequality iceberg.

In fact, Black visibility in TV and film already exceeds their proportion of the US population. What’s up with that, Spike?

As for ‘patterns of racial discrimination’, consider how relatively invisible Asians and even Hispanics remain in Hollywood compared to Blacks. Time for a class-action suit, perhaps?

Plus, a lot of viewers find blacks visually ‘unappealing’. Shouldn’t this matter?

Ugly white people, for instance, are routinely discriminated against in Hollywood. Why should Africans get a mandatory pass?

Shouldn’t we demand proportional representation for ugly Whites then?

Plus, there are very few fat chicks or old babes on TV or in film. This persistent disparity will be very difficult to address. It may therefore require government action. Call out the National Guard!

Indeed, since people (viewers) prefer attractive people over old and ugly (and primitive) people, excessive black visibility in TV and film constitutes an assault on ‘choice’ and even free markets. Beautiful lives matter, too!

What America needs is an actual reduction in Black entertainers. Let Freedom ring!

Lastly, the vast over-representation of Jews in Hollywood must be confronted if we are going to start imposing ethnic and racial quotas anywhere in the entertainment industry. Ha! This could get very interesting.

* People with blood type AB negative make up 1% of the population, but no Oscar has ever been won by an AB-negative actor or actress of the same noble blood type that Shakespeare gave Hamlet. This underrepresentation is a scandal, or should be.

* If you think sobbing, crying, and complaining US black grievance can’t completely flip the US justice system, and university system, and the US presidency, you are naive. The crappy movie awards is small potatoes on that trophy list.

* Funnily enough, the university protests, BLM and now this are just making Americans more conservative and less empathetic to blacks. The social liberals are living in a small bubble in medialand thinking the public actually sides with the blacks on this. In reality, if we were to poll the public (excluding blacks), support for this issue would be quite low. Amazing how the PC media bubble can make things seem what they’re not.

* Universal healthcare works in lots of places.

* As does an established state church.

Funny how homogeneous all of those places are. Evil minds might imagine some connection.

* Two of John Updike’s children married Africans. At least Trump’s grandchildren have a shot at looking somewhat like him.

* Chelsea Clinton’s disgusting response: “Outrageous, ignorant & offensive comments from Rampling.”

* Since Hitler was a vegetarian all vegetarians are neo-Nazis.

* Universal health care works okay for most people in homogenous and productive countries, but the tradeoff is that if you have an unusual illness or accident you are screwed. If Princess Di had had her wreck in a major American city she probably would have lived. That’s probably true of Princess Grace and of Natasha Richardson as well. And if you need non-lifesaving but very beneficial elective surgery you will wait a while, such as gallbladder removals (cholecystectomy) or a joint replacement. It will be unpleasant. And you will possibly die knowing that you might have a few more months or years left if only you could get the latest and best treatment as in the United States today.

And the kind of people who become doctors are going to be a different kind than is the case today. They will make less money, they will work 40-45 hour weeks, and they will shy away from really rigorous residencies. Surgical innovation will be reduced and many more people will live with ostomies, hanging limbs, and other quality of life killing modifications.

Neonatal medicine will go away to a large extent. Simpler surgeries will become the province of general practitioners and the “hand surgeon”-the guy who does any surgery he can get his hands on.

But….for 80% of the population it will work ‘just as well’. Medicine from the NHS in Britain works that way, and from what I have heard from people over there, Sweden too.

* Richardson died from a condition (an epidural hematoma) easily cured by a relatively common neurosurgery. She died many hours after her injury occurred. It was reported that the hospital she went to in Canada could not perform a simple CT scan of her head since it was not a government-designated “trauma hospital.”

Almost all hospitals in the U.S. (even rural ones) have CT scanners and are looking for reasons to use them.

The result is that in the U.S. you might get an unnecessary CT scan. In Canada, you might die from a treatable condition that a CT scan would have detected.

* What people never like admitting is that German uniforms were chosen by Hitler, who did have some artistic sensibilities.

* Steve, Rush Limbaugh’s talked the past few days about the democrat party being the “party of the fringes,” the GOP being the party of white men. Wasn’t that description originally yours?

* It seems pretty random what gets demonized for being associated with the Nazis: Francis Galton is constantly denounced as a proto-Nazi (but not Charles Darwin), while the Volkswagen and Hugo Boss brands don’t seem to suffer at all from their intimate association with Hitler. Volkswagen still makes the Beetle, which has been renovated in recent years to look more like a WWII Wehrmacht helmet. Hitler didn’t design the Beetle, but he gave Dr. Porsche the specs for it, which were drawn up very much in mind that Germany was going to conquer an American-sized Empire in Eastern Europe.

I was at Bloomingdales before Christmas looking at suits, and a large fraction of their suits were Hugo Boss.

* It’s actually pretty easy to understand using the intellectual tools that…I learned in part from you, actually. Who? Whom?

Galton used evolution to claim some races were superior to others. That’s bad when your goal is to create a multiracial democracy where everyone is supposed to have equal outcomes. Darwin stayed away from this and opposed slavery; he also used evolution to unwind the Biblical account of human creation, so you can use his ideas to go after evangelical Christianity. That’s good if you don’t like slavery and don’t like evangelical Christianity.

(Yes, I think he was right. So was Galton, at least in the general sense of HBD (he didn’t get all the tradeoffs, but that’s a little much to expect one man to discover). The point is the political implications of each piece of information.)

Now to why VW and Hugo Boss got away with it. My best guess would be that they wanted to rebuild Germany after the war so they wouldn’t stew and go after the UK/US/allies like happened last time. So they allowed those companies to persist.

As for fashion and fascism…Hugo himself got barred from business but his son was able to take over. My guess is they won over enough New York tastemakers in the early years to be popular, but I’m not an expert on fashion. It’s worth pointing out they just make clothes…it’s not as if they were fabricating poison gas or something. Fashion people are also notoriously superficial…you’d expect people who spend all their time on minutiae of how people look to be mostly interested in appearances, wouldn’t you?

* I’ve visited a number of World War II museums and read quite a few books containing photographs. I’ve always thought that the German Army and the Waffen SS (the National Socialist German Workers Party had its own brown uniform) had the snazziest field grey uniforms. They fought in a bad cause, of course, but they were well-dressed doing so.

* I read somewhere (must be Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics) that they found a sketch by Hitler of the car which probably pre-dates all plans by Porsche.

It is definitely true of basically all plans of Speer, which were based on Hitler’s sketches.

While Hitler is derided for being lazy (which in a sense he was), he spent huge energies on things he was interested in, which didn’t much include the day-to-day business of governing a country, but did include designing things like the Party Days in Nuremberg, uniforms, buildings and cities, and possibly even the Beetle.

He basically created a larger than life real life version of a Wagner opera with himself as the protagonist, where the protagonist (like Wotan) broke eternal law out of hybris but also in service of utopian goals (similarly to how Wotan wanted to create a new world based on love) and this eventually led to his downfall and the destruction of his empire with the death of a huge number of people.

This kind of story does fascinate people.

* Hitler loved dogs; so if you support SPCA, you’re a Nazi!

* Lately, current events have seemed like an orchestrated recruitment tool for Trump. Uncanny how that works when the concerns you articulate reflect reality.

* When Chappelle realized that his depictions of black behavior were funny because they were accurate rather than ironic he couldn’t handle the cognitive dissonance.

* Retweeting a WNist supporter, one who styles himself “WhiteGenocideTM,” would utterly destroy the career of some typical cuck. But something tells me The Trump will be just fine.

* I fully expect in 150 years white nationalists will have converted to Islam and taken over Idaho, which will be called Albalad Al’abyad (the white country). From here they will launch sorties against the Chinese-Jewish-Indian-Anglo elite based in Jersey City after Manhattan and DC sank beneath the waves.

* American low tax rates are a myth. If you include state income and sales taxes and mandatory health care insurance as a tax, it adds up to a higher rate than most of the European and Asian first world welfare states oblige their citizens to pay. Belgium and Denmark may match US style rates — though very few pay those rates — but England, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, and Italy have distinctly lower total rates at every income level.

And the USA doesn’t just have pretty high corporate rates. The USA has the highest corporate income tax rates in any first world nation. Japan used to be a tiny bit higher but PM Abe reformed the system because it was choking businesses and jobs.

* The Oscars is a bunch of employees standing in a circle whilst grabbing each other’s intimate zones and congratulating each other. It’s nothing but a corporate awards presentation and irrelevant to any thinking man’s choice in movies.

* America has the very best trauma medicine in the world, largely driven by military adventures that give the boys so many chances to see lots of interesting new wounds. One shouldn’t discount the most dangerous highways and highest car crash injury rate among the developed nations that make a serious effort to keep victims alive, also.

That’s just one small part of why US health care is so expensive. I’d say it’s one of the investments that’s worth keeping. Most of the extra costs are not so valuable.

* You also have to be able to get to an ER capable of dealing with serious brain injuries. From The American Spectator:

By Matthew Vadum on 3.21.09 | 8:44AM
Did the fact that Canada has a socialist, government-run healthcare system –similar to the kind that President Obama wants to ram down the throats of Americans– kill acclaimed actress Natasha Richardson?
The short answer is yes, it may very well have done so.

The province of Quebec lacks a medical helicopter system, common in the United States and other parts of Canada, to airlift stricken patients to major trauma centers. Montreal’s top head trauma doctor said Friday that may have played a role in Richardson’s death.
“It’s impossible for me to comment specifically about her case, but what I could say is … driving to Mont Tremblant from the city (Montreal) is a 2 1/2-hour trip, and the closest trauma center is in the city. Our system isn’t set up for traumas and doesn’t match what’s available in other Canadian cities, let alone in the States,” said Tarek Razek, director of trauma services for the McGill University Health Centre, which represents six of Montreal’s hospitals.

* Hitler was an almost maniacal Wagner fan, so I think Wotan might have inspired him more. The way he clings to hope after all hope is lost until the very end, and then committing suicide among the burning ruins of his castle.

* The reason people say that whites have unearned privilege is because they think that acting like an ape and being huge and muscular is how you acquire privilege. The reality is that whites very much earned their privilege by building a strong culture over time.

* All this is too funny. The Left is finally starting to eat itself.

Recently, the writer Vox Day launched Rabid Puppies to counteract lefty-politicking in science fiction book book awards. Basically, he organized an anti-left voting blocks for awards that resulted in the Left in charge of the science fiction awards two choices: (1) lose major categories of the awards to the “wrong” sorts of writers; or (2) burn down their own awards and attempt to illegally throw out/ban Rabid Puppies from membership. They chose option 2.

That seemed to say to me that the Left would not start eating its own anytime soon so long as there were non-Lefties in their ranks to fight.

But the Academy Awards is an example of an organization that is Near-Total Leftist. With no big boogeymen of anti-leftists in their ranks, they are now turning on one another as predicted: black versus jewish versus gay versus female versus asian versus other. It’s a classic Stalinist/Hitlerian/Mao purge: once in total control, the left starts stabbing each other in the back out of nowhere.

Grab the popcorn.

* Tyler Perry is a healthy, well-adjusted Negro. He tells the stories of his people (his audiences) in a way that they love.

Tyler Perry is not p!ssing and moaning about how the Shakespeare, NPR, and Masterpiece Theatre crowd at the Academy don’t love him, watch his movies and give him awards.

He took BT Washington’s advice and “cast down his bucket” right where he was and makes entertaining movies. He is devoid of the desperate need for white affirmation, white approval, and white blessing that the Duboisian “Talented Tenth” are burdened with.

And he has gotten rich.

* I would think that one of the Best Actor or Actress nominees would voluntarily bow out of the nomination and name a deserving black in his or her place.

I mean, Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, and Bryan Cranston are well-known liberals, deeply concerned with the plight of those less fortunate. Here is a fantastic opportunity for one of them to make a real difference!

* Hugo Boss became (in)famous for supplying uniforms to the Sturmabteilung , Schutzstaffel and Hitler Jugend.

For some reason, the supplier to the Kriegsmarine and then the SS is much less known.

I wonder why.

* If Negroes agree with Trump on one issue, it is TOO MUCH IMMIGRATION IS BAD.

* “What have you guys done lately?”

Goddard – Rockets
Lavoisier- quantitative chemistry
Mendeleev – Periodic Table
J Willard Gibbs – Physical Chem.
Haber & Bosch – nitrogen fertilizer
Werner Heisenberg – QM
Erwin Schrodinger – QM
Dirac – QM
Einstein – Special & General Relativity
Hubble – size of universe, Big Bang
Glashow, Salam, Weinberg – Standard Model of Particle Physics
Edison – electric light, recording
Bell – Telephone
Ford – mass production
Fessenden – radio
Turing – computer theory
John Atanasoff- first digital computer
Tom Flowers- first programmable digital computer
Wegener – continental drift
Fermi – nuclear fission
Pauling -quantum chemistry
Szent Gyorgyi and Krebs – citric acid/Krebs cycle
Crick – DNA
Borlaug – Green Revolution
Shannon – Information Theory
Shockley – transistor
Backus – Fortran
Thompson – UNIX
Ritchie – C
Codd – Relational Databases
Vint Cerf, Bob Kahn – Internet-TCP
Tim Berners Lee – WWW, Browser

* Gordy came to prominence before it was socially acceptable for blacks to be surly, resentful and angry and it was socially required for whites to publicly self-flagellate and gain status by pretending to understand black grievances better than bad whites. So Gordy had to make a sound that would have mass appeal – Early Motown isn’t particularly black in its themes and the musicianship is very good. Radio helped too because a good tune can bypass the active decision-making process in that you hear it several times in the ambiance and come to like it before buying it.

I think that insofar as it is a problem with Black representation in movies and awards (which is specious at best) the issue seems to be that when given the choice blacks rarely make movies about anything other than being black. And the theme is always one of white oppression and guilt tripping – no one ever seems to come at the black experience from any other perspective which might be the least bit fresh or interesting. Slavery/Racism/Apartheid/Urban Decay caused by Racism, overcoming all of the above but they’re all as bad or worse than ever. Lather, rinse and repeat.

People who aren’t black just have a limited appetite for that sort of thing, and the world movie market even less.

* One of the funnier bits in the piece of holiday fluff from a few years ago, The Holiday, was the Jewish Hollywood writer, talked into accepting an award by Kate Winslet’s character, needing a new suit for the ceremony. When Winslet went to meet him, he was resplendent in his new attire, and his comment was “I like this Hugo Boss. He cuts a nice suit!”

* As iSteve regulars are probably sick of hearing, my girlfriend is a nurse case manager at Boston’s main provider of care to the minority community. She has about reached her breaking point with the crap going on.

About a year ago the hospital started an initiative to ensure that they get paid; when 65% of your patients are Medicaid and you’re getting 30 cents on the dollar for their care, you’d better make sure to get that 30 cents. Being a trusted and motivated employee (RN, nursing masters, certified case manager), she was asked to be the CM lead to make sure docs were coding patients properly, essential for billing the government; she maintains they are far stricter than the insurance companies about the Ts being crossed and Is being dotted.

Over the past year, she’s discovered things like Medicaid and “free care” (hospital code for illegals) recipients getting elective plastic surgery like breast enhancements and tummy tucks. Gastric bypass for the virbant community is off the charts. International patients from the Middle East, desirable because they pay cash on the barrel head, actually paying at about 60% full price (hey, it’s a haggling culture) and the continued overuse of the ER by the Medicaid-American community, something that was supposed to be eradicated by Obamacare.

One of her tasks was to verify usage by the “frequent flyers”, non-chronic condition patients with excessive visits. The most egregious was an immigrant with FIFTY-THREE visits the previous fiscal year, all for OD or injuries related to his substance abuse. The cops get a call, the ambulance shows up and takes him to the hospital. Everyone gets a piece of the action except the taxpayers.

As ol’ Reg says, it’s not the quality of the healthcare, it’s the quality of US residents.

* According to retired ER doctors I have talked to, in 1997 Diana would have had roughly fifty-fity chances even in 1997 were she brought to a first class US trauma center within ten to fifteen minutes, and today somewhat better. The French approach is considered ridiculous.

* I’ve seen some of Hitler’s artwork online and it is quite impressive. The whole line about him being a “failed artist” is, like so much that we have heard about him, rather misleading.

* Just thinking about it, Trump vs Sanders is a dream match up for Trump. All he has to do is replay the BLM Sanders protest for an advertisement, over and over. No one wants a weak leader.

* “Well what a shock, the people who created the civilized world continue to be the best at it.”

* Just another in a NEVER ending flow of “teachable moments” proving that whites will NEVER have a day’s worth of peace and sanity in something resembling their own land as long as they DON’T HAVE their own land.

* During the Holocaust, so many Europeans couldn’t see that Jews were no longer there.

In the Eurocaust, so many Europeans can’t see that invaders are really here.

If a man’s daughter was raped and killed by the invaders, he would just have to go on like he isn’t aware of her absence and the presence of hordes of aliens.

Same thing in Rotherham.

“Where are your girls?”

“I don’t know.”

“Maybe they were kidnapped. But by whom?”

“I don’t know.”

The alien hordes are visible as ‘welcomed guests’ but invisible as criminal threats.

* The history of the world did not start with black slavery by whites.

What contributions to science, math, language, technology, exploration, et al bids Africans make before slavery? Why didn’t they domesticate animals? Why didn’t they build advanced cities and lasting architectural structures?

Why don’t blacks do well in any part of the world? When have they ever? Why do the Chinese do well everywhere they go? If whites enslaving blacks are the sole cause of black problems and there are no differences in ability, how did whites come to be in the position to enslave blacks? Why do blacks still contribute so little to science? Why does no other racial ethnic group in the world commit as much violence as blacks? Why do the vast majority of other groups/cultures/etc have more peaceful and more advanced societies?

These questions could go on forever and only a feeble mind will think “racism” is the answer.

* Dr. Miller’s brilliant breakthrough on “Fury Road” was to pay cash money to a famous feminist ideologue for consulting and then go ahead and make his usual testosterone overload movie. Everybody was happy, and the ploy cost barely a rounding error in the budget.

* David Chappelle undoubtedly had tons of pressure from his fellow blacks to knock it off. That he was making all blacks look really foolish in the eyes of the white man. Of course other black comedians have done this but Chappelle was far too good at it.

* Lay people can never tell how good a doctor is since they lack the expertise. But rest assured that increasing the numbers of lazy dummies in the medical field will result in a significant decline in outcomes. Of course, scientific advancement will mask this decline, much as it has masked the decline in physicians’ clinical skill over the last few decades.

The need of the hour is for an open competitive system for doctors, where they are judged by outcomes and these outcomes are published for all to see. You’ll see the numbers of affirmative action physicians begin to drop real fast.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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