Category Archives: Blacks

Jamiel Shaw, RIP

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I believe it was last August when Trump introduced the father of the slain youth, and he made a very moving speech outlining the facts of his talented son’s death and his endorsement of Donald … Continue reading

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Rep. Steve King Mentions the Empire Has No Clothes

But what about Hitler and Stalin? That’s the rejoinder one usually gets when you praise white Western civilization. My answer: Every people produce genocidal tyrants, only the West has pioneered advanced civilization (much of it adopted by East Asia in … Continue reading

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NYT: Black Police Officers Feel the Inner Tug of a Dual Role

The stronger your in-group identity, such as black, the more likely you are to have negative feelings about out-groups. Strongly identifying blacks are bound to have ambivalence about the United States of America and any white-majority or non-black majority country. … Continue reading

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The Program Destroying Blacks In America

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Well what I mean by NWO is that there are policies put in place (not voted on) by the puppeteers of our government which are destroying the black communities and all of the other communities … Continue reading

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3 Cops Shot Dead In Baton Rouge

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Leftists stigmatize fear and hatred and expect Trump to fall in line to their bidding. That is like Nadal saying to Federer and Djokovic hard courts are no good and we should play all matches … Continue reading

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