Category Archives: Blacks

L.A.’s Dirty Little Brown Secret

David Cole writes: Outright racism by Latinos against blacks gets little coverage in the liberal press and no outrage from SJWs, and black “civil rights leaders” are scared shitless to confront it with the same merciless, take-no-prisoners attitude they reserve … Continue reading

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Is Jewish Rapper Drake Opening a Strip Club in Houston?

Tabletmag: It’s good to be Drake. He’s apparently dating Rihanna, which is most of the reason it’s good to be Drake, but he’s also got lots of money and other stuff that probably makes him happy too, contrary to what … Continue reading

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Semi-Literate Black Mayor Of Bankrupt American City Denounces Critics As Racists

Daily Caller: The Democratic mayor of Petersburg, Va., has denounced all critics of his leadership as racist Republicans in a bizarre email replete with many grammatical errors. Petersburg, a city of just 32,000 people, is battling severe budgetary issues. It … Continue reading

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I Wish I Knew Where ESPN Stood On The Colin Kaepernick Controversy

Steve Sailer writes: The irony of course is that nationalism is the only reason anybody cares about women’s soccer as a spectator sport. Every four years, Americans go nuts in a frenzy of feminist patriotic chauvinism over the American women’s … Continue reading

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Black City Is Surprisingly Broke

Are there any thriving majority-black cities? From a WP comment on the article: “Checks wiki to see what are the demographics of the city. Reads it’s 80% black. Sees no reason to read the article in its entirety.” According to … Continue reading

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