Category Archives: Blacks

A Hot Black Chick

A friend is trying to set me up with a black girl who looks like Rihanna and punches like Chris Brown. Friend A, black: “She likes to hit men when she drinks. She has abandonment problems. She loves to drink. … Continue reading

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NYT: St. Louis’s Stubbornly High Murder Rate

NYT: “As murder rates fell in most cities last year, St. Louis suffered a major setback, and the cause is being hotly debated.” “Murder rates have fallen sharply in most of the country. But St. Louis is one of a … Continue reading

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Are There Jewish Interests?

I consider it as obvious as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west that different groups have different interests that frequently clash. For instance, it is in black and latino interests in the United States that … Continue reading

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Police, Prisons & The Color Of Crime

From the 2005 book, The Color of Crime: America’s changing racial and ethnic makeup has played a role in the rise in incarceration. The number of Hispanic and non-citizen prisoners is rising faster than the overall prison population. In 2003, … Continue reading

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The Future Of Shopping Mall America

I can imagine a future in which African Americans, Hispanics, and Koreans – the future rulers of Shopping Mall America – go at it in a serious way, battling on the streets. After the 1992 LA Riots, when blacks and … Continue reading

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