Category Archives: Blacks

New Rape Case At Duke University

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Steve have you been paying any attention at all to what’s happening at Duke right now with Rasheed Suilemon? The facts seem to be: (1) Suilemon goes to some sort of camping retreat. At the … Continue reading

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Should We Go Our Separate Ways?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I wonder if they realize that the natural solution to their stated grievances, the natural end to which all trends are pointing, is to have white-only and black-only parts of town? White-only and black-only businesses … Continue reading

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The Varieties Of The Campus Rape Experience

Steve Sailer writes: The topic of campus rape is beloved by the molders of the conventional wisdom because it’s so amorphous, thus allowing them to stamp their hatreds upon it. To bring clarity to the subject, it’s important to try … Continue reading

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Foolish Things Jews Say

Moe writes on FB: “Anti Semites don’t remember that there would not have been a successful civil rights movement without the support of Jews!” I think anti-Semites are well aware of this and they hate Jews for helping minorities at … Continue reading

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Blacks Are Better At Giving Compliments

This black chick told me, “I like your yarmulke.” No white chick has said this to me. Chaim Amalek: “Perhaps this explains why African slaves were so popular with early white planters in the south. Not for the free labor … Continue reading

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