Category Archives: Blacks

Black vs White Test Scores

Steve Sailer writes: “Blacks who are the children of college graduates average 274, which is the same as whites who are the children of high school dropouts.” “At the high school dropout level, The Gap in math is 16 points, … Continue reading

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Can Whites Be Saved?

From Chateau Heartiste: I was listening to the news (big mistake) and I heard her father (confirmed), give a statement to the press that was straight outta the SWPL SJW leftoid equalist playbook — blame guns, don’t mention the 800 … Continue reading

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Obama’s Sons Or Trump’s Daughters?

What do you want for America?

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Racism Is Turning Down A Black Guy For Sex

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I bet that dead Black Homo Bryce Williams definition of “racism” was White guys turning down his sexual advances. Here is an article about so-called “racism” in the LGBT community. What passes for “racism” in … Continue reading

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How To Deal With The Grievance Industry

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The best thing about Trump’s rise is that he serves as a model for how to deal with the Perpetual Grievance Society: every time they act as if Trump has said something so outrageous he … Continue reading

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