Can Whites Be Saved?

From Chateau Heartiste: I was listening to the news (big mistake) and I heard her father (confirmed), give a statement to the press that was straight outta the SWPL SJW leftoid equalist playbook — blame guns, don’t mention the 800 pound faggot chimp in the room — that left me feeling utterly despondent that a large fraction of Whites will ever see the light. They will have to be dragged kicking, screaming, and maybe dying, to the truth.

The human ego is that strong. So strong that it can cloud an ideological liberal father’s mind and make him say things which are the equivalent of pissing on his daughter’s fresh grave. I understand that in his inconceivable grief he may not be thinking straight and is giving in to his cultivated compulsion to blame a convenient liberal token of the anti-White hate machine… in this case, guns… for his daughter’s murder. But a healthy White society doesn’t fill the heads of its liberal contingent with abject lies and false narratives so thoroughly that even the murder of a daughter is incapable of shaking her father from his cherished shibboleths.

A healthy White society speaks power to truth. Clear eyes, full hearts, unpolluted minds. In this aspirational society, a liberal White father who feels antipathy to gun owners would not, as his first instinct, lurch to parrot a liberal political agenda to explain away the murder of his lovely daughter by an envious, resentful, white-hating, violent, homosexually imbalanced black male.

Alison Parker’s father is far from the first liberal father of a daughter murdered by a numinous negro to avoid staring into the abyss for the comfort of his ideological purity. He will not be the last.

Until he literally is the last.

With heavy heart, I concede that liberal Whites are simply irredeemable. If a daughter’s sadistically televised and annotated murder by a buttfucking dindu can’t rouse a father, in his crisis moment of uncontrollable rage and grief, to surrender his conspicuously disproven liberal beliefs in a soul-cleansing warrior’s wail of righteous vengeance that honors the memory of his slain child…

then nothing will.

The inevitable logic of rancid ethnomasochism is death. Of the body and of the ego.

There is no other way out, but betrayal of their equalist-drenched anti-principles.

And when has that ever happened?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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