Steve Sailer writes: “Blacks who are the children of college graduates average 274, which is the same as whites who are the children of high school dropouts.”
“At the high school dropout level, The Gap in math is 16 points, but at the college graduate level, The Gap is twice as large: 32 points. That’s the opposite of what the conventional wisdom would imply.”
* A related thought in re the Vester Flanagan incident. I believe it will last in both the collective unconscious but more importantly in the collective conscious. Everyone knows it was typical, not anomalous, which is why it will be so symbolic and resonant. After all, he IS the black male. Everyone knows him in every firm in every industry in America: a black guy who presents well, dresses well, is “articulate”, enthusiastic and usually charming. EVERYONE wants him to succeed. EVERYONE tries to help him. However sooner or later it becomes apparent that something is missing. It’s probably a function of IQ but it seems to present itself more as a kind of blur in the brain, a lack of focus that somehow prevents him from doing the one thing he was hired to do, whatever that is. At first it’s laughed of, then excuses are made, then it’s viewed with sadness, but finally all realize that he’s no good, he can’t do the work on time at the professional level required, and the excuses run out. He just doesn’t belong there. Of course he senses this, and soon comes to believe his “failure” is an expression of racism when in fact his employment is a pure example of anti-racism, of naive faith in something called diversity., which is meant to heal but ultimately only harms. The helping hands that have been extended him are forgotten; he retreats, becomes surly, more obnoxious, refuses to socialize except with other blacks (who may be at different stages of the same process) and thus you have current racist reality: a completely worthless employee drawing a high salary who is treacherous, malicious, bitter, angry, aggressive and almost impossible to fire. Most won’t got to guns like the vile bitch Vester, but they will degrade and ultimately destroy the institutions that reached out to them. One might even become president of the United States. And here’s what can be done about them: Nothing.
* Black children from the wealthiest families have mean SAT scores lower than white children from families below the poverty line.
Black children of parents with graduate degrees have lower SAT scores than white children of parents with a high-school diploma or less.
* Generally Steve covers stories that are either ignored by the MSM, or he covers stories that they carry, but from a different POV. The Roof story was, and is being handled like it’s on steroids by the MSM. There probably isn’t much more Steve could add.
* Why are you anti-racists whining about historical slavery that ended, here, one hundred and fifty years ago, while doing nothing yourselves to end contemporary slavery in the world, today?
* I wonder what percentage of the Black population in the U.S will try to sue either an individual White person or a White owned business at least once in their lifetime? It is the ghetto lottery for Black people. A lot of Blacks dream of one day becoming wealthy off of claiming false racial discrimination.
* Related. Via Megan Mcardle. What she describes as “a team of superstar economists,” ran a $1 million experiment where they paid parents to do homework with their children. From the abstract:
“This intervention had large and statistically significant positive impacts on both cognitive and non-cognitive test scores of Hispanics and Whites, but no impact on Blacks. These differential outcomes across races are not attributable to differences in observable characteristics (e.g. family size, mother’s age, mother’s education) or to the intensity of engagement with the program.”
McArdle says, “There’s a long section where the researchers look for possible explanations, but they don’t really come up with any. I’m afraid I can’t, either. ”
It’s a mystery!
* “lead paint” — When was the last time anyone painted with lead paint? Outlawed decades ago. And why is it that only black children eat lead paint? And why don’t tacit black parent/s prohibit the eating of paint? The addiction of leftist/progressive thought can only be cured by allowing the first tenet of the 12 step plan, recognize you have a problem.