Category Archives: Blacks

Steve Sailer: Professor of Ethics Convicted of Seducing Mentally Retarded Patient

Steve writes: “Forty years sounds pretty harsh for somebody being an overly true believer in today’s conventional wisdom. There is a lot of talk about “over-incarceration,” much of it soft-headed. But this would seem like an example where the kind … Continue reading

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WP: Donald Trump: No apology for questioning Ben Carson’s Seventh-day Adventist faith

As an ex-Seventh-Day Adventist, I’m loving my former religion’s time in the spotlight. In my experience, ex-Seventh-Day Adventists tend to have a visceral hatred for the SDA church, much like ex-Catholics have for the Catholic church. I’d like to think … Continue reading

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Can California Be Saved?

Comment: “Victor Davis Hanson strikes me as someone who is stuck in a political no man’s land, somewhere between straight cuckservatism and soft nationalism. This is why his writings about his native and home state are such a maddening mix … Continue reading

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NYT: Baltimore Struggles To Heal

I lived in Baltimore during the summer of 1980. Almost every day, I spent hours in the local public library. A naive Seventh-Day Adventist, I asked to join in various black basketball games in the playground outside and was told … Continue reading

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Education Professor: ‘Forced busing’ didn’t fail. Desegregation is the best way to improve our schools.

Comments at Washington Post: * Can we start with your kids, professor? * Shorter Version: Society wasn’t failed by liberal policies, liberal policies were failed by an unworthy society! * No sane mayor or city council, no matter how liberal, … Continue reading

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