Steve Sailer: Professor of Ethics Convicted of Seducing Mentally Retarded Patient

Steve writes: “Forty years sounds pretty harsh for somebody being an overly true believer in today’s conventional wisdom. There is a lot of talk about “over-incarceration,” much of it soft-headed. But this would seem like an example where the kind of Clockwork Orange-style technocratic interventions that the British have focused upon — restraining orders, GPS ankle-bracelet, mandatory psychiatric monitoring, blacklisting from her profession, etc. — ought to keep this lady from running too amok again without putting her in prison for a long time.

A lot of white-hating whites like this Anna Stubblefield aren’t quite right in the head. I mean, you know and I know and Daniel Engber knows that this lady was brought up and continued to live in a pretty mind-warping atmosphere of ethnic hatred, but how often do you think Professor Stubblefield was ever apprised of that fact? “Anti-gentilism” isn’t even a word …”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The people who rule over us, the political class, The Economist magazine, the WSJ etc are pretty much people who take their cue from people such as Anna Stubblefied. In an attenuated form, of course, but the Stubblefields of this world are the policy trail blazers.

* The good news is that there are lots of black prison guards who will gladly give this twisted women exactly what she craves.

* I assume movie rights have since been sold, the sentence immaterial to the strangeness of the story. But then, by one judgment, that would be half a movie we’ve already seen, I mean if the sentence made it stranger. This blunderbuss of an act of contrition aside, the thing with special snowflakes who are not right in the head is that we don’t let them be marginalized. There once were actual bohemians among us, yes there were, and they were forgiven many insanities for the sake of inspiration, and a great book is called Touched with Fire. Modern medz and especially the mainstreaming awareness of them has left Bohemia sundered. I actually think that’s about the most interesting social phenomenon in Western Civilization, because the phantom white menace really is a phantom but manic depression is, well, the true one percent. Strictly Bipolar is another book, very short, that explains big gifts.

* She’s a direct victim of feminist political correctness.

A man who has sex with a retarded woman under his care (1) likely has done so many times before he was caught and is otherwise a sexual predator (2) risks producing a very expensive state charge or requires the family to deal with getting an abortion for a retarded woman.

A woman who has sex with a retarded man does none of this harm, but feminism requires they two be sentenced equally for what is not even remotely the same crime.

At least 20 years in prison is just insane. If anything, she was performing an act of charity.

* Remade into a heart-warming movie after Anna is let out early (San Fran Federal court rules on appeal she is a political prisoner of ableist supremacy)- THE TIKKUN SESSIONS. Wayne Brady will play DJ in an Oscar-winning performance.

* Follow the money, this is ghetto lottery.

* I will say this for the New York Times. I wouldn’t have expected them to publish all the stuff about her and her background. They’re basically just giving the BadWhites ammo.

* Steve Sailer: The biopic The Diving Bell and the Butterfly about the editor of Vogue in Paris being completely paralyzed and dictating a book through pointing with his eyes was accused of being this kind of put up because the secretary who took the dictation for his book was also a professional writer. I did a little spreadsheet to test whether they could have actually gotten the book written the way they said they wrote it in the time they said it took. My finding was: barely, but it couldn’t be proved to have been hoax: there was just barely enough time to get it done.

From my review of Oscar-nominated “Diving Bell and the Butterfly” in AmCon:

“Blink” would have been a simpler, more evocative title because his speech therapist taught him to communicate using his eyelid. She would repeat the alphabet (re-sorted in order of frequency of use in French) until he blinked his one good eye to stop her at the right letter.

Director Julian Schnabel, the New York artist turned moviemaker, employs prodigious imagination to liven up the proceedings, filming much of it from Bauby’s perspective. Nevertheless, “The Diving Bell’s” pace is necessarily languid. With time on my hands, I wondered if Morse Code, which POW Jeremiah Denton used to blink “t-o-r-t-u-r-e” when displayed on North Vietnamese television, wouldn’t have been faster.

Bauby composed his text in his head each morning, memorized it, and then dictated it to a secretary for three hours per day for two months. His short book of about 25,000 words was published in 1997 to rapturous reviews two days before his death.

It’s a wonderful story, but is it true? Reporter Susannah Herbert has raised doubts in The Times of London, pointing out that Bauby’s “secretary,” the self-effacing Claude Mendibil, is a professional ghostwriter who refused to show her the original notebooks.

I calculate that to complete a first draft in two months, Bauby would have had to dictate 135 words per hour (or one letter every five or six seconds). That would be difficult, but not impossible, because Mendibil would often correctly guess many words’ endings. So, I won’t reject the movie’s authenticity, especially because I want to believe it’s true. (Certainly, though, Mendibil deserves the credit she’s never claimed for the sheen of the final draft.)

* For all her “Tikkun Olam”, this lady failed at preventing her mulatto daughter(!) from developing a form of white identity:

Stubblefield’s daughter, Zoe Stubblefield, told today that the victim’s family, who are black, were targeting her mother because she was white and they were ‘money-hungry idiots’.

Speaking at her mother’s home in West Orange, New Jersey, Friday, the younger Ms Stubblefield told that D.J.’s relatives were ‘huge a**holes’.

She said: ‘They have done this because my mom is white and we used to have a lot of money and they’re poor.’

* We bandy about words like moron, imbecile, and idiot when describing our political opponents, but these words are actually official psychological classifications:

Moron (IQ 50-69)
Imbecile (IQ 20-49)
and Idiot (below 20).

The black bell curve is shifted 15 points to the left relative to whites so we might give the nutty professor of “ethics” the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps she mistook an idiot for an imbecile. Still, there must have been microcephaly or severe facial deformity (google images for imbecile), and if that didn’t tip her off, this man’s total lack of control over his bladder and bowels should have signaled to her that she is dealing with someone incapable of giving consent to anything except “baby want juice?”

This woman has more than just a fetish for social justice.

* I wish more Scot-Irish were raised to mind their own business. When they repair the world, it tends to lead to millions of people dying or millions of dollars disappearing. Russia has experienced both:

Stalin’s willing executioners

Marc Rich and rape of Russia

* Her ex-husband and father of her two children (Stubblefield- not Reuben, though) was black, but apparently disgustingly privileged with all his able-bodiedness.

* This is a product of extreme religious belief, if you ever needed proof that leftism is a religion.

Faced with a mentally retarded, crippled black male, the extreme leftist hamster spins a story about how he’s really an erudite genius trapped in his beautiful black body that is differently-abled (probably due to racism). She really did believe this nonsense because she is a true believer, darn it.

* Modern society pathologizes white identity politics or tendencies, it pathologizes “homophobia”, but this fetish-like attraction towards the “marginalized” goes undiagnosed, generally speaking. And it happens a lot.

I received a bad check from a black guy through my business many years ago. He was caught, charged and convicted (he’d written bad checks at other businesses as well), but rather than put him in jail, they told him to make restitution, which was fine with me. The problem was, he wouldn’t pay up. Whenever I told his white female probation officer that he wasn’t doing the restitution thing, she would always make excuses for him, saying, “he’ll be in next week.”

She did this for many months, so I mentioned it to a friend of mine who was a judge. He said out loud what I had suspected all along: She was probably having an affair with the guy.

I called her and told her that lover was going to jail if I didn’t see any money in 48 hours. He came in the next day and paid in full. I should’ve filed a complaint against her, but I wasn’t inclined to do things like that back then.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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