Category Archives: Blacks

Eighth-Graders Allegedly Stab Woman to Death at Car Wash, Prop Her Body Up for a Joyride

Nicole Bitette, NY Daily News, November 13, 2015: Two Missouri teenagers fatally stabbed a woman while she was vacuuming her car and then went on a gruesome joyride with her dead body propped up in the front seat, according to … Continue reading

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Race & Safe Spaces

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Black men are physically more attractive than white, being better built and more muscular — and usually able to beat the stuffing out of white men, which whites of both sexes know. They are also … Continue reading

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NYT: “Study Strongly Links Baltimore Mortgage Denials to Race”

Steve Sailer writes: “Baltimore blacks were long dogged by malicious stereotypes spread by The Wire, but their behavior in 2015 — first rioting, then murdering each other in large numbers — has demonstrated their financial trustworthiness. How delusionally racist are … Continue reading

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Dirk Nowitzki’s ex-girlfriend / former fiance / inmate Cristal Ann Taylor

I was watching the 2014 Netflix movie on Dirk Nowitzki of the Dallas Mavericks and I noticed a black woman ran a con on him in 2009, living with him for about a year under a false name. REPORT FROM … Continue reading

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The New ‘Black’ Administrator Named Missouri System’s Interim Head Looks As Black As Dwight Eisenhower

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You know, this is why I never got the one-drop rule. You’re an eighth black, you’re practically white. I’m sorry. I know I can’t comprehend the purity of the Aryan ideal but after a while … Continue reading

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