The New ‘Black’ Administrator Named Missouri System’s Interim Head Looks As Black As Dwight Eisenhower

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* You know, this is why I never got the one-drop rule. You’re an eighth black, you’re practically white. I’m sorry. I know I can’t comprehend the purity of the Aryan ideal but after a while it gets kind of silly.

This guy would never be ‘black’ if it hadn’t gotten him a nice career!

* It was designed to disincentivize miscegenation. And it seems to have worked as intended especially when one compares the USA to places like Brazil. I don’t see anything inherently wrong with it. It is no different than what some ethnic groups have done to keep their members from marrying outside the tribe.

* Funny how black radicalism seems to have an inverse relationship with darkness of skin tone. I have a mixed-race cousin who’s recently gone bonkers with this whole Black Lives Matter movement. Thing is, she’s got blonde hair and blue eyes. She was a cheerleader and a homecoming queen.

Being a beautiful woman with white features gives her considerably more “white privilege” than about 95 percent of white people. Yet she feels some urgent need to go full-on Malcolm X. Her darker-skinned sisters, whose black ancestry is more obvious, don’t understand it and think she’s nuts.

* It’s kind of like how Islamic converts are the most blood thirsty. A person that’s tangentially part of the group goes to the extreme to show their loyalty to the group.

* In a WW2 history class I took in college, I recall the professor discuss how the Germans were well aware of the differences between the North Americans and Latins when it came to this issue. While most people today attribute the success of the North Americans to their English founding and all that entails, the Nazis felt it was because the North Americans had not mixed as much as their Latin American counterparts, and thus were European in character.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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