Category Archives: Judaism

Jewish Pride Is Inversely Proportionate To Jewish Learning

I know that whenever I meet someone who says he’s proud to be Jewish or that he has "Jewish values," I know I’m dealing with a Judaic ignoramus. Judaism is a prosaic religion of endless daily demands rather than showy … Continue reading

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Journalist Marc Ballon Leaves Jewish Journal & Journalism

He’s now a publicist in Orange County.

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How Did The Cult Of Lashon Hara Laws Strangle Open Discussion In Orthodox Life?

For the first 3000 years of its history, judging by its sacred texts, the Jews had open discussion of individuals. The Bible and the Talmud were never shy about describing people in detail, even negative detail. Then a thicket of … Continue reading

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BBI and UJ join up to forge a home for pluralistic Judaism in landmark merger

Contrary to the claims in this Jewish Journal article, this is not a merger of BBI with the UJ but a takeover of BBI by the UJ. After all, this new entity will be presided over by the UJ’s two … Continue reading

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Orthodoxy Vs. Modernity

I chat with a Conservative Jewish scholar. LF: The answer to your essay is that O has no answer. Orthodoxy and modernity are not compatible, there can only be compromises. That is a good and bad things. There is much … Continue reading

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