Category Archives: Judaism

‘May You Have A Sweet Year’

A lot of people have come out of the woodwork of late to wish me a good year. Some of them actually mean it. They actually believe that our fate for the next year will be sealed during the next … Continue reading

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Holiness Does Not Require Perfection

Rabbi Dan Fink writes: Because I was the rabbi’s son, I learned that holy vessels are made from the same mud and clay as everything else. Clergy kids rarely share the attitude of reverence that most people of faith bring … Continue reading

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The Role Of Journalism In Judaism

Joey Kurtzman and I chat this afternoon live on my cam:

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Amazing Grace

Steve Rowitt emails: Dear Luke,   It would be really nice for you to actually do some homework before sharing your thoughts with the world. It was John Newton who wrote Amazing Grace and was one of the major influences … Continue reading

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My Dialogue With Marc Gafni About Reputation Online

The videos of our dialogue are here and here and here and here and here. The book (The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet) underlying our discussion is here. Here’s a selective transcript of what I … Continue reading

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