Category Archives: Judaism

Yisroel Pensack: Some Thoughts on the Sentencing Hearing of Sholom Rubashkin

A sentencing hearing in the financial fraud case of former Agriprocessors kosher slaughterhouse manager and Lubavitcher chassid Sholom Rubashkin is scheduled to begin tomorrow (Wednesday) in federal court in Iowa. There is a concept in Judaism that each Shabbat “blesses,” … Continue reading

Posted in Agriprocessors, Chabad, Ethics, Fraud, Judaism, Kashrut, Torah, Truth, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: Some Thoughts on the Sentencing Hearing of Sholom Rubashkin

I Fear My Blogging Is Not Compatible With My Religion


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They Trust The Heart, We Trust The Law

I just watched all four episodes of the BBC drama North & South, set in 19th Century England. It was very romantic and charming and traditional. Reminded me a bit of Orthodox Judaism, until these goyim started excusing each other’s … Continue reading

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Christian Compassion


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Dennis Prager’s First Column For The Jewish Journal Of Los Angeles

I feared there would be no original content in Prager’s column. He’d just rehash things he’d said thousands of times before. I was wrong. There’s an original story about his first book: We sent the manuscript to the Jewish Publication … Continue reading

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