Category Archives: Adventist

Will Seventh-Day Adventist Questions Fail Donald Trump?

Stereotypes are usually true. For instance, about Seventh-Day Adventists, the two main stereotypes are that they are very nice healing people and that they are a bunch of apocalyptic wackos. From my experience growing up as the son of an … Continue reading

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Did You Know Ben Carson Is A Seventh-Day Adventist?

Daily Caller: Carson grew up in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and his father was an active minister. Having been baptized twice before the age of 13, he began to take his Adventist faith seriously after he allegedly attempted to stab … Continue reading

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WP: Donald Trump: No apology for questioning Ben Carson’s Seventh-day Adventist faith

As an ex-Seventh-Day Adventist, I’m loving my former religion’s time in the spotlight. In my experience, ex-Seventh-Day Adventists tend to have a visceral hatred for the SDA church, much like ex-Catholics have for the Catholic church. I’d like to think … Continue reading

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Who Cares About The World?

Growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist on Seventh-Day Adventist college campuses in Australia and California, I often encountered the attitude, “Who cares about the world?” The more traditional the Adventist, the more likely he was to have this attitude. Traditional … Continue reading

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Good For Donald Trump for taking on the Seventh-Day Adventist lobby!

From what I remember about Seventh-Day Adventists, they’re in heaven getting this much attention. The best movie about Seventh-Day Adventists is The Nostradamus Kid and the best book is Seeking a Sanctuary: Seventh-day Adventism and the American Dream. Adventists tend … Continue reading

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