Category Archives: Adventist

I Don’t Drink Or Smoke Or Lend My Bum To Other Blokes

I just read a great essay against vegetarianism. I’m a life-long vegetarian. Not from conviction but from habit. It increasingly looks to me like vegetarianism is not healthy. There are some things I was raised with that I just don’t … Continue reading

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WP: Harold Camping says May 21, 2011 was ‘invisible judgment day,’ world will end October 21, 2011

Wow. This is just how the Seventh-Day Adventist church got started. I was raised a Seventh-Day Adventist. My father was a church theologian and evangelist and professor of religion. The early Adventists expected the world to end on Oct. 22, … Continue reading

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Running From My Emotions

I tend to run away from my emotions. I don’t want to locate them in my body and I don’t want to name them and I don’t want to accept the message they’re sending me. I prefer to distract myself … Continue reading

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Seventh-Day Adventists Permissive On Abortion

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist and I recall very little condemnation of abortion beyond the church’s general condemnation of sex outside of marriage. It just wasn’t on the agenda. The Washington Post reports: Christians of all denominations are gathering … Continue reading

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God Is Not One

I have a book review in Spectrum Magazine.

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