Category Archives: Adventist

Seventh-Day Adventists Consider Themselves People Of The Book

The modern state of Israel had no significance in my Seventh-Day Adventist upbringing. I heard ten times as much anti-Catholic sentiment as anti-Jewish sentiment. Compared to other Protestants, Adventists are scholarly. They have a bigger school system than any other … Continue reading

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Checking In On My Former Church

I grew up a Seventh-Day Adventist. Even though I have no desire to be a Seventh-Day Adventist today, I have more positive feelings about my former church than negative feelings. At least I think I do. My feelings are complicated. … Continue reading

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Jews, Non-Jews And Bribes

I better tiptoe around the roses here. When I grew up, I never knew any Seventh-Day Adventist who took a bribe or gave a bribe. I’m sure it happened. It just wasn’t discussed. Sex and money were generally not matters … Continue reading

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The Apprenticeship Of Luke Ford

I was listening to Dennis Prager’s radio show today. He’d just returned from his fifth trip to Australia, my homeland. Dennis said that Australia was over-regulated and rather reserved. An American woman phones in. “Australians are reserved. Timid. When I … Continue reading

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Christian Certitudes About Jews

I hate dealing with ignorant people who want you to confirm their stupid prejudices. One category in this obnoxious set are unlearned Christians who have all sorts of unfounded beliefs about Jews. One such man called in to Dennis Prager’s … Continue reading

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