Category Archives: Richard Spencer

Reason is a Whore

Richard Spencer was on a podcast recently with James Allsup and Nick Fuentes. Richard Spencer joins the panel to talk about the news of the week and the state of the alt-right, as well as Depeche Mode. The first hour … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer On The Jewish Question

Richard Spencer appears on this October 28, 2017 podcast. Eighty nine minutes in, a host says: “I want to give you a chance to clear the air. I notice that a fair amount of people criticize you for being weak … Continue reading

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Female Reporter To Richard Spencer: ‘How Do You Look At Me Being Hispanic And Puerto Rican?’ — Richard ☝?Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) October 19, 2017

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‘Here’s How Breitbart And Milo Smuggled Nazi and White Nationalist Ideas Into The Mainstream’

* Buzzfeed doesn’t get it. The reason Richard Spencer Seig Heiled Milo was because he despises Milo, not because they are comrades. Spencer despises Milo for being gay, Jewish and degenerate. At the time, Spencer was fighting with Milo for … Continue reading

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The Right After Charlottesville

The Alt Right disaster last weekend reminds me of Hitler’s failed 1923 Beer Hall Putsch. Who knows what’s coming next. Greg Johnson said last Thursday, Aug. 17, to Vox Day: “National socialism today is a perverse self-marginalizing self-defeating tendency. It’s … Continue reading

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