Category Archives: Whites

A night of violence that shattered a South African’s view of her white privilege

Pathological altruism. Sad. South African blacks have an average IQ of about 70 while South African whites have an average IQ of about 100. Descriptions of the I.Q. ranges Lower than 20 — Profound retardation Usually multi-handicapped with obvious physical … Continue reading

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White Debt

Comments to Steve Sailer: * SJWs I used to run into at the dog park would enthusiastically discuss the different qualities of the dogs there based on the breed (usually extolling the virtues of of their particular dog, who was … Continue reading

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Who will you blame once Obama’s gone?

By John Blake, CNN Updated 9:33 AM ET, Fri November 27, 2015 … Consider the question of whether racial strife is now the norm. “I don’t see that stopping when Obama is no longer president,” says Steve Sailer, who writes … Continue reading

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The Realignment

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Republicans and Democrats tend to live in different types of families. Two-thirds of Republicans (67%) are married, and 57% are married with children. Among Democrats, only 45% are married (38% are married with children). Democrats … Continue reading

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The Flight from White: Administration to Entitle Arabs to Affirmative Action Benefits

Steve Sailer writes: It’s obviously nuts for Republicans, as the de facto White Party, to agree to shrink the number of de jure whites, but Republicans never seem to get this. When you make people eligible for minority business development … Continue reading

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