Category Archives: Whites

Friday Night Lights

I’m reading the H.G. Bissinger book (I loved the movie and the TV series). From page 27: “The first murder in Odessa occurred late in the nineteenth century when a cowboy rode into a water-drilling camp one afternoon and demanded … Continue reading

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Silicon Valley

I just watched the PBS American Experience documentary “Silicon Valley.” All of the main characters are white and most everyone pictured in the movie is white. It makes me nostalgic for the California I once knew. When I arrived in … Continue reading

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Jewish Guilt vs White Guilt

As Steve Sailer points out, white guilt means you are too ethnocentric while Jewish guilt means you are not ethnocentric enough. Journalist Samuel G. Freedman writes for Tabletmag about how wonderful it was that Arthur Gelb was a proud ethnocentric … Continue reading

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Are Values Independent Of Genetics?

Everywhere in the world in about 40 life outcomes, Orientals (North-East Asians such as the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans) earn more per hour than any other racial groups, have higher credit scores, higher academic achievement, higher IQ, and lower rates … Continue reading

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Republicans Are Increasingly The Party Of White People

From The Fix: “In 1980 white Democrats dominated white Republicans numerically,” Abrajano argues. “As immigration’s impact on America has grown, whites have fled to the Republican party in ever larger numbers. The end result is that the principal partisan choice … Continue reading

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