Category Archives: Whites

The Gentile Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Michael Weinreb writes for Rolling Stone about the white freshman basketball star: Here are a couple of things I learned about Grayson Allen by perusing his bio on the Duke basketball website: He graduated cum laude (of course he did) … Continue reading

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Gendered Racial Exclusion by White Internet Daters

From a 2008 Princeton paper, highlighted by Chateau Heartiste blog: Among white women, one of the most striking findings is that white women who describe themselves as slim, slender, athletic, fit or average are nearly seven times as likely to … Continue reading

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Caring About White People Is Apparently A Bad Thing

Mike Fleming writes for “Deadline ran an article last week that generated controversy and hurt feelings. An unfortunate headline–Pilots 2015: The Year of Ethnic Castings – About Time or Too Much of Good Thing?—created a context from which no … Continue reading

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Why Not A White House At USC?

USC has Jewish groups and black groups. Will it get a safe place for white people to hang out? From The Los Angeles Times: When some USC student government leaders voiced support for creating a cultural house for black students, … Continue reading

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Are Whites Hopeless?

Keith emails: I am a white. Have read a little bit of white nationalism. But one thing has to be mentioned about why whites are experiencing predation against them by blacks. Its because over the centuries whites have been pruning … Continue reading

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