Are Whites Hopeless?

Keith emails: I am a white. Have read a little bit of white nationalism. But one thing has to be mentioned about why whites are experiencing predation against them by blacks. Its because over the centuries whites have been pruning themselves of their aggressive breeds through: needless wars, psychiatric confinement, and through the criminal justice system. You can trace this back to medieval europe when they had all sorts of strange punishments for relatively minor offenses.

And so if we look at why whites are being gradually exterminated and dominated by non-whites is because they have literally castrated themselves by locking up all their “nuts”.

Jews are socially dominant because they have a higher rate of mental illness among them. Jews are known for being crazy. There are statistics and old news articles from the early 1900’s that talk about jews having higher rates of mental illness. To be totally 100% sane means to be tame and docile. Crazy means untamed and there are different levels of crazy with some people being crazy but allowed to exist within society and some crazy people that are not allowed to exist in society.

If you look at south africa the black social class that is responsible for fostering a connection to the ancestors and thus a sense of ethnic identity are the schizophrenic shamans. But whites have been locking up their schizophrenics for centuries so it is not surprising they have lost a sense of kin-identity and a sense of connection to the ancestors.

Black people by white standards are literally crazy and mentally ill. However they are allowed to get away with it because it is considered part of their culture.

So I think what we are witnessing is just darwinian selection unfolding and their is nothing that can be done about it. When a race breeds itself to be a bunch eloi they should not be surprised when they become dominated by a race of morlocks(time machine reference hg wells). In other words the white race is hopeless. It does not make sense for a white to base his or her tribal affiliation based on their race. White people do not function as a tribe and those whites who treat the white race as their tribe end up getting attacked by other whites. So white nationalism is not rational. Race realism is rational but not white nationalism.

We shouldn’t be surprised when racial selection that occurred over the course of over a thousand years to make whites more tame and docile results in other ethnic and racial groups becoming dominant over whites or preying upon whites. It is nature. And what this also implies is that there is no hope for whites. You literally cannot fix something that is the result of over a thousand years of breeding selection. You just can’t. It’s like explaining to a rabbit that the wolf is the predator. What is the rabbit going to do about it?

>>And yet 100 years ago, WASPs ruled the world.

Well I think there is something to be said for whites using various institutions and social shaming in order to make their race more tame. That situation may not account for everything that has happened to us and nature is often nuanced and complex. So you do bring up a good point about WASPs having ruled the world 100 years ago. The British ruling class is known for being eccentric though and the British Empire provided an escape route for people who may have been rough around the edges.

I also read an article once that talked about how British psychiatry had a reputation for being slightly more lenient than American psychiatry. I just find it odd how we can discuss so much stuff like jews and blacks and social class and on and on and yet there is very little discussion among any of these race realist blogs about what impact psychiatry has had on our race. It’s as if we are supposed to treat psychiatry as some sort of unquestionable force of nature. But does an unquestionable force of nature one minute declare homosexuality a mental illness and the next minute say it isn’t?

Plus you have the world wars that destroyed many of our best warriors and our most nationalistic people.

But why did our global dominance end? I’m not sure the theory I proposed accounts for it entirely, I do think the theory I proposed has a lot to do with our current situation… but as to why our global dominance ended…

Part of it may have something to do with whites are uncomfortable with power for its own sake. The British needed some sort of “white mans burden” thing to justify having an empire. So even though they were “masters of the world” they were still operating according according to a servant ethic of needing to serve the world in some ways. They never valued themselves enough to be comfortable with simply being served by the world. So in a sense they were pursuing dominance from a domesticated standpoint and one cant hold onto power from that standpoint.

The idea above is basically something Ilana Mercer, the South African jewish lady who writes on the black issue, was talking about.

The idea of whites being committed though to a servant ethic ties into the domestication policies it pursues on itself, the ones I mentioned regarding psychiatry, incarceration, social shaming, sending the warriors to foreign lands, etc.

Whites are basically a slave race and it has revealed itself to be uncomfortable with holding power. And so it should not be surprised if someone who is comfortable holding power decides to hold onto power in its stead.

But how did this race come to power? I think the non-servile elements of the white race managed to achieve certain things despite the nature of the rest of the whites. But ultimately the bulk of the white race had its will made manifest and this is why we see whites being relegated to a humiliated sort of flunky status today. Because this is what whites want. This is why white people on the BBC are always traveling around helping Africans. They are flunkies. These people are not the master race (if there is such a thing).

I don’t foresee one race becoming dominant over the entire world though.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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