Category Archives: Whites

Where Is The White Man’s Self-Respect?

Taki writes: “Rap is the equivalent of projectile vomiting, only worse because of the hate of its lyrics. Hate against women and white people, hate against morality and justice, hate of everything that Luce believed in when he announced that … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Stop-and-frisk Drives Up Upper Class White Birthrates in NYC

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You can see a similar phenomenon in the wealthier parts of London. Standing outside one of the primary schools in these areas in the morning is to witness a sea of golden hair. * As … Continue reading

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Robert Stark interviews Luke Ford about how he would feel if he were born into different outgroups

LINK: Topics include: If Luke Were Born An Orthodox Jew, How Would I Feel About This Luke Ford Bloke? If Luke Were A Gentile White Nationalist, How Would He Feel About Jews? If Luke were a Muslim, how would he … Continue reading

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Anti-Goyim Bigotry

The hate that dare not speak its name. Comments to Steve Sailer: * The press has a pattern of focusing on white crimes (UVA) while ignoring others, and of always taking the ani-white side in disputes (Duke Lacross, Ferguson.) This … Continue reading

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If I Were A White Nationalist, How Would I Feel About Jews?

I am a convert to Orthodox Judaism and I oscillate between having a God-centered universalist Torah worldview (aka ethical-monotheism) and a naturalistic tribal worldview. Because I know what it is like to belong to a tribe, I expect all groups … Continue reading

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