Category Archives: Jews

Washington Post: “This Year, We Are All Esther in America’s Own Purim Story”

Steve Sailer writes: From the Washington Post: This year, we are all Esther in America’s own Purim story By Danya Ruttenberg February 26 at 6:00 AM Danya Ruttenberg is rabbi-in-residence at Avodah and author of “Nurture the Wow: Finding Spirituality … Continue reading

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Torah vs Mein Kampf III

Listen here. More. More. My notes upon rereading Mein Kampf: * Torah vs Mein Kampf means a clash between the Bio-centric and the theo-centric. Torah is God-centered. Judaism is God-centered. * Hitler argued himself hoarse with jews. Torah does not … Continue reading

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‘Is Luke Ford the Thomas Sowell of the orthodox community?’

David posts: Great conversation, thanks! Especially like your postulate that the biggest fear of Secular Jews is being returned to the Ghetto, G-d forbid would rather be killed than forced to join Chabad?! Also, relevant something I heard at a … Continue reading

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Hitler’s Press Criticism

Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf: I gradually discovered that the Social Democratic Press was predominantly controlled by Jews. But I did not attach special importance to this circumstance, for the same state of affairs existed also in other newspapers. But … Continue reading

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Jews Vs. Nazis, Torah Vs Mein Kampf

Listen here. More. More. Isaiah 2:4: “And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, … Continue reading

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