Category Archives: Jews

The Abolition Of White Australia

I reject the notion that the goy is but a flaccid puppet of the Jews. If WASP Australian leaders opened the borders, that is on them, not on the Jews. Ditto in the US and across Europe. WASPS destroyed America, … Continue reading

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The Jew Moves The World

This poster on the bus is a statement from the Lubavitcher Rebbe: “The Gentile doesn’t want anything. He waits to be told what the Jew wants!” This point of view does not bother me. Every group with spirit sees itself … Continue reading

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The Beauty Of Cohesion

Imagine if instead of pushing for multi-culturalism, Jews instead talked to the world about the beauty of ethnic solidarity! Imagine if Jews preached what traditional Jews practice! Instead of pushing multi-culturalism for the goy and pursuing solidarity for themselves, Jews … Continue reading

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Belgium Cafe Sign Says: ‘No Jews Allowed’

I see nothing wrong with goyim having their own cafes. Why should they not enjoy their coffee without any kvetchy Jews around, just as Jews should be allowed to have cafes with “No Goyim Allowed” signs and cafes with “No … Continue reading

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Capturing The Friedmans

What a disturbing and brilliant documentary! Without knowing anything special, I believe the father in this documentary, Arnold, and his son Jesse, did not commit the crimes to which they plead guilty. Unfortunately, many ignorant people will watch this film … Continue reading

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