Category Archives: Jews

I Don’t Feel Bad For The Egyptians (Unless I Make A Special Effort To Understand Their POV)

Andrew Joyce tweets: “Why are people wishing Jews a happy Passover when the festival essentially glorifies the mass infanticide of one of their host populations? Passover is a celebration fit for psychopaths.” Luke: “As opposed to celebrating the end of … Continue reading

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‘Mixture is fundamental to who we are, and we need to embrace it, not deny that it occurred.’ (Geneticist David Reich)

I’m not sure anyone denies the existence of race mixing and David’s own background is one of considerable diversity. According to Wikipedia: Reich grew up in Washington, D.C. His parents are novelist Tova Reich (sister of Rabbi Avi Weiss) and … Continue reading

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Debating The JQ With Tanstaafl (Age Of Treason Blogger)

Listen to the discussion I had March 27, 2018 with Age of Treason aka Tanstaafl. That awkward moment, when the Age of Treason pointed out that none of the real jews were following @lukeford Ouch.. As Mozza said, "You just … Continue reading

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Big Jews Vs Little Jews

JewA: The real question is why didn’t Enoch’s and Striker’s parents recognize their gifts and ensure their bright future. If I was Eric Striker i would be angry at the world too. He should be some big shot.I think he … Continue reading

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Mike Enoch, Eric Striker Critique The Nathan Cofnas Critique Of KMAC’s Culture Of Critique (3-22-18)

Tonight's Strike and Mike will be a livestream with me, @Eric_StrikerDS and @lukeford. We'll be talking about the JQ and the recent Cofnas critique of @TOOEdit's CoC. We'll critique the critique of the critique of the critique. Trust me it … Continue reading

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