Category Archives: Jews

A More Prudent Course For Jews

Steve Sailer writes: But social media is a new technology and it’s not clear just how out of control the SJW [Social Justice Warriors] mob can get. Jews have lots of historical experience with mobs getting worked up over this … Continue reading

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Is This Hate Speech?

Every nationalism contains a victimology and every victimology a nationalism. From the RCA Artscroll Siddur (Jewish prayer book): The Torah commands that six events be remembered always. Consequently, some authorities maintain that the verses containing these commandments should be recited … Continue reading

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A Jewish Libertarian Perspective

Chaim Amalek writes me: “Pesach is soon to be upon us, and all I see here are white nationalism posts. Nothing on how it feels for you, a Jew, to prepare for Passover. Nothing about Torah. Nothing. It makes Torah … Continue reading

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New York Post Blasts Jews For Lousy Food On UWS

Chaim Amalek writes: “Well, I’ve been to one world’s fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing I ever seen on a blog. The problem with this analysis begins with its own numbers, pointing out that 2/3rds … Continue reading

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The Liberal Jewish Crack-Up

Steve Sailer writes: …the big trend of 2015, following the anti-Semitic massacres by Muslims in Europe, is that the group that dominates the contemporary mindset, ethnocentric liberal Jews, are starting to feel the pressure on the obvious logical contradictions between … Continue reading

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