Category Archives: Jews

Steve Sailer: The Huddled Masses Of Beverly Hills

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The naked contempt with which many immigrant groups now view founding-stock Americans is pretty striking. Hey – you guys hate us – message recieved. And filed for future reference. * This is like the Seinfeld … Continue reading

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When Jews Were Of One Heart

On the first day of Shuvuot, the Torah reading was Exodus 19-20 about the divine revelation at Mount Sinai. Rashi comments on Exodus 19:2 that the Israelites were of one heart before the revelation. Throughout Judaism, Jewish unity is praised. … Continue reading

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Jews, Blacks And Conspiracy Theories

As a Jew, one of the hard things to deal with in black life are all the nasty conspiracy theories about Jews, including the ones about Jewish doctors poisoning black kids. Here are some examples: Black-Jewish Hostility Rouses Leaders in … Continue reading

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Jews: The Archetypal Multiculturalists

In his introduction, the author states: “I am not speaking of most Hasids, who are simply not part of our country and civilization.” By Lawrence Auster: “Any large number of free-thinking Jews” is “undesirable” if one wants to maintain or … Continue reading

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How Do Jews Feel About Christians?

Every closely identifying in-group tends to have some hostility towards outsiders. Jews aren’t unique. The more a guy gets into his Jewish, black, gay, Japanese, or Muslim identity, the more distant he’ll feel from outsiders. Jewish composers of Christmas songs … Continue reading

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