Category Archives: Jews

Many Marijuana Dispensaries With Mezuzot On The Door?

This smoke shop on La Cienega Blvd in 90035 appears to have a mezuzah on the door. How many smoke shops, marijuana dispensaries, massage parlors, whorehouses, porn studios, have mezuzot? I think it is wonderful that even when Jews are … Continue reading

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Jews & Media

I’ve been talking to my Jewish friends about whether or not it is fair to say that “Jews control the media.” My Orthodox Jewish friends say it is essentially true but we should not say that out loud in mixed … Continue reading

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What’s The Point Of Non-Jews?

I talk to an Orthodox friend who grew up in a traditional Orthodox section of New York. Luke: “Have there been any gadolim (great rabbis) who wrote or taught about how non-Jews should organize themselves?” Friend: “No. Why would a … Continue reading

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High Investment Parenting

It blows my mind as a convert from Anglo to Orthodox Judaism how much Jews invest in their kids and in their families and in their kin and in their group. Anglos don’t make such dramatic in-group/out-group distinctions and they … Continue reading

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Forward: Michigan Jewish Institute Raided by Federal Agents

Forward: Feederal agents raided the offices of a Jewish college that has prospered from millions of dollars in federal aid even though almost all its students live in Israel and hardly any of them graduate. Federal officials declined to comment … Continue reading

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