Category Archives: Jews

Should Jews Oppose Trump’s Immigration Plans?

The Donald Trump phenomenon cannot be controlled and this type of populism makes elites nervous. Chaim Amalek: “Identity is more important than globalism and free markets. For decades though, whites deluded themselves into thinking their identity as whites did not … Continue reading

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VDARE: How Long Before Trump Meetings Are Compared To Nuremberg Rallies?

From VDARE: A startling thing has happened to Donald Trump’s rally in Mobile Alabama, scheduled for Friday evening. City officials have confirmed to News 5 the location for Donald Trump’s pep rally in Mobile on Friday night has been moved … Continue reading

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Donald Trump & The Jews

Peter Brimelow writes: Donald Trump has come under intense attack for his stance on immigration. But, for those who remember, it is significantly less intense than the barrage that met Pat Buchanan when he ran for President. One obvious but … Continue reading

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WP: Meet the White House’s first transgender staffer

You couldn’t make up something more beautiful and more Jewish. Tikkun olam! From the Washington Post: Freedman-Gurspan’s previous job was at the National Center for Transgender Equality, where she worked as a policy adviser for the Racial and Economic Justice … Continue reading

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Would You Miss Us?

If the Jews vanished off the face of the earth tomorrow, what about us would the world miss the most? Our sitcoms? Our writers? Our comedians? Our bankers? Our talk show hosts? Our entrepreneurs? Our scientists? Our moral leadership?

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