More Good Publicity For Jews

I don’t hear about this sort of thing among WASPs.

REPORT: In a bizarre case over a grandmother’s Bar Mitzvah gift for her grandson, a 20-year-old man successfully sued his own mother for the $5,000 promised to him when he became a man in the Jewish faith at age 13.

On Tuesday, a judge ruled that Jordan Zeidman was entitled to a $5,000 Bar Mitzvah gift from his grandmother — known to the family as “Baba” — that his mother was apparently holding for his college fund. Zeidman’s parents divorced in 1998 and agreed to both contribute to their son’s college fund, according to Nassau County judge Scott Fairgrieve’s ruling.

Among the evidence Fairgrieve cited was Zeidman’s testimony that at his Bar Mitzvah in October 2007, his grandmother said, “I have $5,000 for you. Just like I gave to your brother, and sister. And I’m going to give it to your mom to hold for you.”

Additionally, in 2006, Zeidman’s mother had made a deposit into the college fund and included a handwritten note reading, “I owe Jordan $190.00 + $5,000 from Baba.”

The mother testified that she doesn’t remember writing this note and denied ever receiving the money from Zeidman’s grandmother.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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