Category Archives: Jews

Australian Jewish Writer Is Very Sensitive To Asylum Seekers

From The Guardian: …Funder’s first year in New York was spent settling her family in and travelling to promote All that I Am, which was published in 20 countries. She did some journalism and worked for a charity called Icorn, … Continue reading

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Jewish Groups Lead Push To Crack Open Doors to Syria Refugees

If Jews deserve to preserve their people and heritage, which I believe they do, then surely non-Jews such as the Germans, Swedes, Australians, English etc also deserve to preserve their heritage and keep enemy aliens (Muslims, Africans, etc) out. Every … Continue reading

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Blog: Haredi Rabbi says Muslim invasion of Europe is ‘excellent news’ because “Edom” (Christianity) must be destroyed before “Messiah” can “return”

Blog: An extract from a talk by apparently Chabad-associated Rav David Touitou. Full video here. The rabbi says: “The Messiah of Israel will only come when Christ, Europe, Christianity are totally defeated. Therefore I ask you, is this good news … Continue reading

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Trump, Carson have Republican Jewish establishment worried

From JTA: WASHINGTON – The Republican Jewish establishment is watching the surge of political outsiders — like Donald Trump and Ben Carson — in the presidential primaries with dismay. “It’s like we have a conference call every morning, and we … Continue reading

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Proof That Donald Trump Was Wrong About Mexico “Not Sending Their Best”

Steve Sailer writes: Donald Trump notoriously ranted, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best.” As proof of how insanely wrong Trump is, we have this news story from Associated Press: Hundreds of deported immigrants with mental disabilities … Continue reading

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