Category Archives: Jews

ProPublica: How N.Y.’s Biggest For-Profit Nursing Home Group Flourishes Despite a Record of Patient Harm

It seems every time I check the news, some Jew in the nursing home business is getting attacked by government regulators and/or the media. Why won’t the goyim leave us alone? Chaim Amalek: “When my time comes I hope I … Continue reading

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Pundits Who Changed Sides

I’m reading an interesting thread on Steve Sailer: * It seems as if English pundits change their views more than American pundits. My vague impression is that it’s a pretty standard move in British press circles for a columnist to … Continue reading

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Let The Goyim Go!

Not a single oligarch is on our side. Consequently, there is no resistance to be had. Neocons are firmly in the drown the whites camp. We are the West’s terrible pharaoh, demographically drowning the Euros in an ocean of multiculturalism. … Continue reading

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Kevin MacDonald, Donald Trump and the Jews

Jeff* says: Kevin MacDonald is off base here. Most Jews are democrats and even if Sanders were the nominee he would still get 70% of the Jewish vote. Hillary will get at least 80% of the Jewish vote. If the … Continue reading

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Weekly Standard: Jewish Immigration Group Fights to Bring Syrian Refugees to America

I hope the Syrian refugees all move into Park Slope and Westchester and Foggy Bottom, where the elites in Washington live. I wonder what the Israelis would do to a prime minister that was determined to make the Jews a … Continue reading

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