Category Archives: Jews

First a database, then deportation

It seems like commonsense to me that you want to track closely people who are likely to hate you. If this happens, if Muslims are rounded up for deportation, how many Jews will risk their lives to shelter Muslims in … Continue reading

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RamzPaul: Israel rejects ALL refugees. Are Israeli politicians racist Internet trolls? Please do elaborate.

Jesse Berney writes for Rolling Stone: GOP Politicians Rejecting Refugees Sound Like Racist Internet Trolls When our elected officials start spouting rhetoric like that found in the ugliest corners of the Internet, watch out. White supremacists didn’t like my suggestion … Continue reading

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The Holocaust Denial Mindset

The essence of the Holocaust denial mind is this: “You forced us to do this. We never wanted to kill innocents such as women and children, but you gave us no choice with your radical destructive war on everything we … Continue reading

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Le Pen Frightens Jews as FN Regional Elections Victory Looks Certain

From the Jewish Press: French Jews are not particularly ecstatic about the prospect of an FN win. Newsweek interviewed Jews in Paris’ Le Marais district, the historic Jewish “Pletzle,” and several expressed concerns at Le Pen’s momentum. Marine Le Pen’s … Continue reading

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The Jewish Imperative To Help Syrian Refugees

Hugo Schwyzer writes on FB: In 1938, my Jewish grandparents fled Austria for England with my young father and his sister. The rest of the family perished in the Holoicaust. When war broke out in 1939 my grandfather was briefly … Continue reading

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