Nicholas Kristof: ‘Statue of Liberty Must be Crying with Shame’

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Yeah, I remember all those Jewish-perpetrated massacres. It’s exactly the same.

* The plaque with Emma Lazarus’ poem should be removed from the Statue of Liberty. And the sentiment removed from our psyche.

* That it’s the Statue of *Liberty* not the “Statue of Immigration Schmaltz” or a giant “Immigrants Welcome!” sign seems to escape these folks.

Immigration enthusiasm is not just worthless, it’s actually stupid and harmful. Whereas “Liberty” is pretty darn cool.

And the fact is no one does liberty better than Anglo Saxons. Everyone else is a least a bit–to a whole bunch–inferior at liberty. Muslims–at least currently–are absolutely terrible at liberty even in even absolute terms, not to mention their inability to get along with everyone else in a society, nor the reality that there presence inevitably requires security measures that encroach upon historic liberties and that presence of muslims allows the super-state to strip away even more liberty in the name of “tolerance”, “diversity” and policing “hate”.

Cheerleading bringing is not just not what the Statue of Liberty stands for–i.e. Liberty–it is positively antithetical to having liberty.

* I think this cold civil war that has been brewing among whites has reached a point where there is no chance of reconciliation. Whatever unenlightened whites on the Right support or oppose you can pretty much bet the enlightened whites will oppose or support.

It seems clear they only support bringing in more Syrians and others because, and only because, the Right is against it. Their whole purpose in life is to stomp on our faces and make our lives as miserable as possible. Thus, they continue to double down on immigration despite the fact they know the newcomers are not assimilating and do in fact change our culture, as described in that previous post by the Belgian war photographer.

This latest column by Kristof is just more social signaling. I’ve seen it all week over the Paris attacks. We all know that when Roof shot up the SC church, the Left would not let up and blamed Roof, unenlightened whites and even the rebel flag. Now after the Paris attacks they blame every body but the culprits. And to show they have no evil thoughts they are going to double down on the refugee scam even though the refugees’ own cousins and coreligionists, who have tremendous wealth and are only a stones throw away, want absolutely nothing to do with them. That alone should tell you all you need to know. But since unenlightened whites are against it, it must be good.

* Don’t overlook the ecstasy they feel at the prospect of sending diversity to your neighborhood for you to enjoy because they know that you don’t want it. This is a huge motivation for them. They’re clearly not wanting to house the refugees in the Upper West Side, in Westchester, in Georgetown, in Malibu, in Palo Alto, no sirree, the yokels need to take the refugees and the section 8ers because diversity is double plus good for the yokels because they have the temerity to have wrongthink positions, unlike the good people who have the rightthink positions.

* In a way, Muslims are the new Jews. Reading what is said on the right-wing blogs about Muslims today very much reminds me of what has, historically been said by anti-Semites about Jews, e.g., they want to take over the world; they are “filth”; they are “different” and will never blend into “our” culture; their religion is too important to them, so they will never be loyal to our country because their loyalty to their “god” and their religion comes first for them. The GOP politicians give voice to and encourages the thinking of their fearful, xenophobic base.

* The key phrase on the Statue of Liberty is “yearning to breathe free”. The question for all immigrants should be “Do you yearn to breathe free?” “Do you support freedom of speech, the press, religion, etc.?” If not, take a hike.

* Seeing as Emma Lazarus, the poet who wrote that bit on the statue, was a Zionist, I wonder what she’d say about the West Bank wall? It’s all about getting into the promised land, right?

* George Takei’s Facebook post about being locked up because his family “looked like” the people who attacked Pearl Harbor is a lie.

1. Chinese people who “looked like” the attackers were not locked up.
2. Every last Japanese-American was also a citizen of Japan automatically under Japanese law.
3. Only Japanese in War Zone 1 were rounded up and they were free to leave War Zone 1 and settle in Colorado (for example) as some did.

* The Muslims are the New Nazis, not the new Jews. And in 1945 thousands of Nazis were on the run from the Russians, who wanted to kill them. No reason to take them in our country.

* Jewish host of NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me Was dutifully parroting this Jewish Narrative today. Said the SoL was now laying across the harbor blocking immigrants. I guess the statue itself isn’t the point – the point is the crappy poem by a Jewess affixed to its base.

The French didn’t send us the SoL because immigrants, but like I said, it’s the five dollar plaque that matters.

That’s their Narrative, and they’re sticking to it.

* The name of the statue that the French gave us as a birthday present in 1876 is “Liberty Enlightening the World.” That’s why the Lady is carrying the torch. What she’s enlightening the world with has nothing to do with invite-invade. It’s the ideas of the American Revolution and the Declaration of Independence. Therefore the date on the book she’s holding. Emma Lazarus’s schmaltzy poem was tacked on years later. Edouard Laboulaye, who started the campaign to send us the statue was the most prominent French classical liberal of this time, though he was sadly mistaken on the character of the War Between the States.

* Judah P Benjamin was pretty assimilated. Doesn’t get more Confederate than him.

Yeah I remember when Einstein blew up the Thanksgiving Day Parade, and Jack Kirby went on jihad. Jews are not Muslims. No jihad, polygamy, cousin marriage, drink alcohol, and don’t out women in tents.

* Has anyone given one minute of thought to what is to become of Syria? I assume Syria will be reconstituted in some form once this war is done. How then will Syria be able to rebuild and become a functioning nation without its human capital?

All these progressives who are keen on importing Syrians are in effect acting like modern day colonial powers extracting resources from some poor nation. Taking human resources is probably worse than taking natural ones. I just don’t see how Syria will rebuild if all of its best talent is skimmed off. There has to be a plan to move these people back home.

I think progressives should be put on the spot to publicly defend why they support the colonial practice of human resource extraction, and what that portends for the future of these poor nations.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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