Category Archives: Addiction

Robin Williams, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Tony Scott

In 12-step rooms, you often hear the adage that “addiction is a progressive disease.” I’ve never hit rock bottom in the manner of many addicts. I’ve never tried suicide, I’ve never been arrested, I’ve never done crimes, but I am … Continue reading

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I’ve Been Using Food To Combat Anxiety

So on Sunday afternoon, I spent over an hour trying to figure out how I would get to and from the airport for my trip to Australia May 25 – June 13. I used to be fine spending $30 on … Continue reading

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Amy Dresner – She Was 13th Stepped And She Kinda Liked It (3-9-14)

I discovered Amy Dresner while reading about a year ago and was instantly hooked by her honesty. “Amy Dresner is your soul mate,” said a girl I was chasing at the time. Here are some of my favorite Amy … Continue reading

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My Financial History

I went to my first 12-step meeting in May of 2011. I was tired of having the same type of relationship over and over again and thought I could benefit from checking out a recovery group. As the months went … Continue reading

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Thank You For Sharing

I’ve long thought that sex and love addiction would be a great topic for a movie and now I’ve seen three recent movies on this theme and they are all excellent. I did not detect one false note. * Thank … Continue reading

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